Sunday 29 January 2012

SHINee Series Imagines Part #1

*u joined a school trip after ur final exam's ended*
(at a cafe up of a mount)
ur friend : hey *ur name* ! what u'r doing ??
u : (holding an iPad) playing games ..
ur friend : nahh .... enough ! u've playing games for the whole time in the bus !
u : (stop playing n look at ur friend) so .. what u want me to do now ???
ur friend : hmm .... take my pic ! the views here r very nice !
u : hmm yea .. fine .. (take a pic using the iPad)
ur friend : hey ! there r sweet potatoes sold there ! wait here ..
u : kayy ... (very bored n view the pic that was taken just now) *saw something attracting in the pic* zoom .. zoom .. zoom ............. oh godd ... am i dreaming ??? *walk to a table at the corner* oh my godd ........ u'r SHINee members ........
Onew : huh ? oopss .. seems like we got caught ..
Taemin : ehehe .... peace ♥ !
Key : aeigooo sweety girl .. don speak too loud !
Jjong : c'mon ! sit here ! *bring a chair next to him*
Minho : *quiet w/o looking at u*

The 1st part of this series Imagine ended here .. What coming up next ?? Wanna know ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Wait till tomorrow ;) ehehe don be mad ! Be patient ! Peace no war !!

(edward potter)

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