Monday 2 July 2012

SHINee Imagine Series #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #68

[Previous Chapter --> u were dressed up by ur mother n now u're going to have some shopping ........ or maybe a DATE with Jonghyun !]
[Place --> SHOPPING MALL !!! in an elegance n exclusive boutique]
Hyun : *take a dress which seems has very short cuts n really exposing* [:: ] ya , (ur name)-ah ! this must be really suits with u ! palli , try this ! *giggles as he show u the dress*
u : *look at the dress n blushed* ya , pabo ! neo micheosseo !?? u pervert ass ! *hit him with a cloth hanger*
Hyun : *laughs n pretends like it's hurt although u just hit him softly* aeigoo ....!! (ur name)-ah ! it's hurt ...!! how could u ...... *pouts*
u : serve u right ! wekkk~~!! *stuck ur tongue out at him before walk away to the exit of the boutique*
Hyun : yaa~ where are u going ??? dae~ dae~ mianhae .. jeongmal mianhaeyo , (ur name)-ah~ i'll not making fun of u anymore , is it okay ?? kaja , we'll choose seriously after this , nae~ *quickly chase n back-hugging to stop u from walking away*
u : *blushed* y-yaa~!! i'm not going anywhere ...!! i just want to take a look at the dress next to the exit door ...!!
Hyun : ehh ...?? ahhh mianhae ... *merong*
u : c-can u let me go now ...?? it's embarrassing , oppa ......
Hyun : huhh ?? what-- ahh ! m-mianhae ! *quickly break the embrace* i don't realize it .......
(U could see him blushed n so are u . Both of u are in silence ...)
u : (In Heart : aishh .... that was dangerous ... my heart is pumping very fast just now ...!! i hope Hyun-oppa didn't realize t when hugging me just now ... n ... why i keep blushing these days when i'm with him ??? am i ...... in love ...??)
(Suddenly a lady come near to both of u - seems like she's a staff at the boutique)
Lady : Excuse me , sir .. miss ...... can i help u ??
u : err ..... i'm looking for--
Hyun : *cut ur words* ahh ... can u look for us an evening or dinner dress for her ??? n also a suit that match with her dress for me !
u : w-what ..?? why i should be match--?? *then u speechless n blushed again as he winks at u*
Lady : ahh~ *smiles widely* u guys are newly bride , am i right ?? *excited*
(Both of u be startled n blushed when hear the word "newly bride" . u were speechless but Kim Jonghyun )
Hyun : hmm ...... yeah , u right ! we are newly brides ! *suddenly hugs u tightly n kiss ur cheek , making u blushed more* we just got married a week ago n we're going to honeymoon ! so we need something exclusive n beautiful to wear during honeymoon ! do u have it ??
Lady : omo ! dae ! we have it ! *over-excited n suddenly grabs u to the fitting room* the groom go to that way ... *shows Jonghyun another way* while the bride comes with me ! omo~ the bride is so beautiful~ match with the groom !!
u : err ... actually we're not--
Lady : *suddenly pull u into the room n gives u 3 dresses* palli ... try all of them one by one n we'll look if one of them suits with u ! gwaenchana if all of them not suit cause we have many others !
(U got no choice instead of obeying her ... u pull the curtain of the change room before take off ur clothes n get in the dress . After about 5 minutes later , u get out from the room n was speechless to see Jonghyun in white tuxedo)
Lady : woahh ! both of u are so perfect match ! Photographer~!
(Suddenly a guy push u to stand next to Jonghyun n Jonghyun quickly catch u before u fell n he hugs u . The photographers take ur photos nonstop .. There're flashes everywhere , making ur eyes blink often ... Luckily ur 6 months experience as a model in high school making u know what to do in front of camera ... n once the photographers stop taking photos ...)
Lady : so ... newly brides~ let change to other outfit ! there're many outfits that u can try here !
(Both of u keep change ur outfits n every time u change , the flashes will come again n again till 3 hours passed ...)
u : aeigoo ...... Hyun-oppa ...! i'm really exhausted right now ...! let just decide which dress i'm going to pick~! *u sit on the chair next to him as u lie ur head on his shoulder*
Hyun : *chuckles* nae , i'm exhausted too~ hmm .... but i really don't know which one suits u best ... u suit with all of them ...!
u : or maybe i should just wear the black dress just now .... *remember the one that ur Omma shows to u*
Hyun : hmm ?? black dress ??
Lady : *overheard u guys* ahh~ u already have a black dress ?? so ... why don't i offer u discount for some accessories ?? we also have many accessories ! u could choose it !
(Then before u could answer , she grabs u to a cupboard that was made by glass -Jonghyun follows from behind- n in the cupboard , u could see many beautiful accessories ... u look at them one by one before ur eyes were locked at a set of necklace , earrings n bracelet . u just be quiet n look at it without realize that Jonghyun also eye-ing the set)
Hyun : Mrs .. can we look at that set ?? the one that was made by diamonds ... at the left ...! ahh dae ... that one !
Lady : ahh~ this set is the latest ! it must be match with (ur name)-ssi ! *she take out the set n shows them at u*
[:: Earrings -->
:: Necklace -->
:: Bracelet --> ]
u : woahh ....... this is beautiful ....... *admiring the accessories*
Hyun : *looks at u n smiles as he put the accessories on u before he looks at u again* u're pretty , (ur name)-ah ...
u : *blushed but .......*
Lady : *interrupts* sorry for interrupting but do u want a ring , (ur name)-ssi ???
u : ahh ... nae ...
(u were brought to see many rings .. like usual , u look at them but , without any reason , u've no interest in single rings instead of couple rings .. ur eyes were locked on a couple rings)
u : err ... can i look at that couple rings ...??
Lady : hmm ?? ahh sure ! *takes out the couple rings*
Hyun : *lift a brow* that's a couple rings .. who's going to wear another one ?? i think u should choose other ....
u : but this is beautiful ...! hmm ..... how if u wear another one ?? n i'll take another one ! is it okay ??? *looks at him with a smile*

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