Wednesday 4 July 2012

SHINee Imagine Series #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #69

[Previous Chapter --> u n Jonghyun go to the boutique to buy a dress for the party but at last u just interested in accessories ... when u were asked to choose a ring , u were interested in couple rings n u ask Jonghyun if he wants another one ...]
Hyun : w-what ...??
u : this rings are beautiful ! i love it so much ! but i can't wear both , right ?? why don't u take another one ??
Hyun : err ..... but this is COUPLE rings , (ur name)-ah ... are u sure ...??
u : huhh ?? *look at him with an innocent face expression*
Hyun : *blushed cause he takes ur innocent expression as cute* err ... never mind .. s-sure ...! i'll take another one ...!
u : *cheering n u put on the ring on ur finger* yayy !
(5 minutes later ...)
Lady : Kamsahmnida ! Anaegasaeyo~ Please come again~ Have a nice honeymoon ! *bows with wide smile -which never fade away since u step into the boutique*
u : nae~! nado kamsahmnida for the discount given ! *also bow at her with a wide smile before walk away with Jonghyun* ah ! Hyun-oppa ! why did u say that we already get married ?? see , she really thinks that we're husband n wife !
Hyun : ahaha ! actually i know the lady~ but she don't know me , of course~ she's getting marry within 2 weeks so she's really excited when any newly brides come to her boutique ... she's so excited n she rather gives us discount~ haha !
u : aishh jeongmal jinjja ... *glare at him annoyingly* u said we're newly brides just to get discount !?? omo jinjja ....... aeigoo ~!!! *feels angry n walk faster*
Hyun : hmm ?? ehh ya , (ur name)-ah ! aeigoo nae~ nae~ mianhae ! *quickly chase n grabs ur hand* ya~ where are u going ?? *makes an aegyo*
u : *blushed* (In Heart : omo jeongmal kyeopta !! w-wait .. what did i say ...??) h-home of course ...! we've finished shopping , aren't we ?? so , it's time to get home ! palli ! *about to walk away*
Hyun : *suddenly grabs ur hand again* ya~ we have about 6 hours left for the party~ i need to persuade u so allow me to bring u for a date , nae ? *suddenly kiss ur hand*
u : *blushed* d-dae ...??
(Jonghyun brings u to the florist .. it's not an ordinary florist .. it's a florist in the garden , full of colorful flowers .. There're also shelf that are full of bouquets , n some bouquets got small teddy bears)
u : omo ...!! Oppa ... neomu yeapo~!! woahhhh !! *open ur arms n run into the garden excitedly like a child*
Hyun : *chuckles at ur childish side n follows from behind*
u : *pick a blue rose* oppa ! palli~ come here !
Hyun : *feels weird* o ?? hmm nae ... *walks towards u*
u : *put the flower at Jonghyun's ear* omo ...! u looks so alike a flower boy ! really match with ur blue shirt n jacket !! u look so handsome ...!!
Hyun : *suddenly .........* Am I ??
u : *be startled* (In Heart : oh my godd !!! what have i said !!??? dammit !!!) err ........
Hyun : hello~ (ur name)-ah~ *flick his fingers in front of ur eyes* i'm asking u~
u : err .... hmm yeah~ of course u are handsome ! u're a celebrity , right~ ?? u got many fans~ guys n girls~ the young guys admiring u~ the pretty girls love u~ was surrounded by thousands of beautiful girls--
Hyun : *cut ur words* but i just want to be surrounded by u .. n i mean , u ONLY .. there's no other girl who's prettier than u ... to me , u're the sunshine who always light up my life n i want u to be with me ... *back-hugging n put his chin on ur shoulder*
u : *blushed* err ....... oppa--
(Suddenly a beautiful young boy come -probably the florists' son- n approach u guys)
[:: Imagine the boy is Ren from NU'EST :3 he's just an extra~ i was thinking of No Minwoo from Boyfriend but he seems a bit manly to be at the florist ... :p Ren is beautiful , right ?? ^^ ]
Ren : ahh~ mianhae for interrupt ...!! *blushed to see both of u n about to walk away*
u : *quickly break Jonghyun's embrace* a-aniya ! gwaenchana~
Hyun : *glare at Ren* (In Heart : why there're so many interruption today !!??? this girl-- *look at Ren's boyish image* ohh tomboy ?? wait ... but she looks so natural .. is she a GUY !??)
Ren : ahh ..... *turns back* hyung ... noona ... do u need anything ?? i can help u .. trust me , i'm good in choosing flowers for girls ! *giggles*
u : hyung ..?? noona ..?? u're a guy ??
Ren : *seems a bit upset but force a smile* ahh nae ...
u : aeigoo jeongmal mianhae ...!! but u're so beautiful ....... *feels guilty*
Ren : ahh gwaenchana~ anything i can help u ??
u : hmm u said u're good in choosing flowers for girls ..! can u choose any flowers for me ??
Ren : hmm ....... *examine u for awhile before smiles widely* yeah got it ! *talking to himself as he looks for the flowers in the garden* hmm where's that flowers~~??
u : ahh~ Saeng ! can i call u saeng ??
Ren : *look at u before smiles* yeah sure ! call me Ren-saeng ...!
u : yea ... i've a party at my house tonight .. would u mind to come n join us ?? *gives him ur address*
Ren : *look at the address* ahh~ my house is just around there ! sure .. i'll come ! n .. noona .. can i ask my hyungs to join too ??? *excited*
u : yea sure ! u got hyungs ?? tell me about them !
Ren : actually not real hyungs ... but they're like my own hyungs ! They're Aron-hyung ... Baekho-hyung .. Minhyun-hyung ... n our leader , JR-hyung or his real name , Kim Jonghyun .....
u : omo ! Hyun-oppa ! Ren got a hyung with the same name as u !
Hyun : hmm ...... *groan annoyingly -seems like he doesn't like Ren-*
(Ren keeps talking to u n u listen to him carefully ...)
u : *take a glance at Jonghyun secretly* (In Heart : u'll get ur answer tonight , oppa~ i promise ...)

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