Saturday 30 June 2012

SHINee Imagine Series #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #66

[Previous Chapter --> ur Appa n Baekhyun leave u n Jonghyun in the ward alone . Jonghyun confessed to u about his feelings for u n he's willing to give u times to think]
____________NEXT DAY______________
[Place --> In a Mansion (It's a little BIT smaller than Kim's mansion)]
u : woahh .... this mansion is so big n beautiful ...! *amazed* Appa ..... where are we right now ...??
Appa : *chuckles as he helps u with ur luggage* this is where u're going to live n stay from now on , (ur name)-ah ..
u : huhh ??? omo ! Appa , do u work here ??? as a butler ...?? or ........
(Before ur Appa could answer , a maid comes to help u walk -u're limp cause of the car crash-)
Maid : let me help u , (ur name)-ssi ..
u : ahh ...! err .... g-gwaenchan-- *feels shocked n awkward*
Appa : *suddenly interrupt n talk to the maid* ya , please walk her to her room , nae ? n give her anything she needs ... hmm ... After that , ask Aunt Esme to cook the abalone porridge for her ..
Maid : nae , juinnim ...! *bow as she starts to walk with u*
u : err ..... mm ... *hesitates n look at ur Appa*
Appa : *also look at u* i believe u must not eating much at the hospital since u keep complaining about their food , right ?? *smiles*
u : err .... hmm ... *talk to the maid* err .. can u walk me to the kitchen ...?? i can cook by myself--
Appa : *suddenly shouts from a few meters away without look at u* u must take enough rest , or else i won't let u meet with omma !
u : *face changes* ehh ...!?? is that a threat , Appa !??
Appa : *looks at u with a smile* i think so~
[:: So u don't have any choice instead of stay in ur room (which u think could fit the whole of ur old apartment's building) .. Just to make it short , Appa walks ur Omma to ur room n there're touchy-scenes when u n ur mom are hugging n crying . U find ur Omma is a very beautiful lady n her style n fashions make her looks way younger than her age]
________________NEXT DAY_________________
(U trained ur legs for the whole night n now u could walk usually but slow cause it will be pain at ur leg if u move too fast)
u : *get into the living room which is big like a hall* Good morning , appa .. omma ! *kiss both of them before join them eating breakfast*
Appa : Morning , my dear .. omo u walk by urself ...!?? *looks at a maid who comes with u just now* ya , why did u let her walk by herself ???
Maid : a-an .. aniya , juinnim ....!!
u : *quickly interrupt* aniyo , appa ! I'm the one who ask her not to help me ! I can walk now although slowly ...! She keeps worrying if u get angry at her so i told her to watch me while i was walking~
Appa : hmm ..... okay then .. *looks at the maid* Sorry about just now .. u can get back to the kitchen ..
(The maid bows gladly n diappear out of the living room)
Omma : aeigoo , (ur name)-ah ... u're such a stubborn kid .. just like ur father ! *glance at ur Appa n merong*
Appa : eehh !?? why me ??
(The three of u keep laughing till ur Appa says something ....)
Appa : (ur name)-ah .. we're planning to make a party since u're back to us .. we've invite all ur friends n some others ! The party will be held tonight in our house , nae ? So make sure u dress up prettily like princess tonight , nae ? *smiles*
u : *shocked* huhh ??? err ..... Appa ..! u don't need to do that--
Appa : awhh of course we need to do ! i'm going to tell my friends that my gorgeous daughter already back ! So , they won't feel curious if bring u to any occasion , right ??
u : err ..... *looks at Omma* but i don't have any dress , omma ...!!
Omma : u don't need to worry about that~ u're going to buy some clothes today~
u : huhh ?? so , we're going to the mall ??
Omma : *shook her head* ani~ not us ! it's "u" ! u n Jonghyun !
u : *totally shocked* dae !??
Omma : since both of us already finished breakfast , kaja ! i'll help to dress u up now ... hmm ..... *examine ur face* it won't take a long time for make up .. u're naturally beautiful ! kaja ! Jonghyun-goon is coming in about half an hour !
u : ehh ?? b-but ...... we just go to buy clothes ! i can just wear my usual outfit ... don't need to dress up ! it'll looks more like a date !
Omma : definitely ! trust me , my princess ... u're gonna like it ! *winks n force u to get inside ur room*

1 comment:

  1. i love this fanfic please continue
    kamsahamnida :)
