Friday 29 June 2012

SHINee Imagine Series #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #64

[Previous Chapter --> Jonghyun was mad but he's cooling down , the Old Couple go away n all the friends are having a talk eith the headmaster , who they found , a really cool guy although he's old already . After a few hours talking n laughing , the doctor finally came out from the operation room n announce that u've stable]
u : *open ur eyes slowly* urgghh ..... w-where am i ...??
(Suddenly a voice surprise u n u recognize the voice is belong to Baekhyun)
Baek : omo ! (ur name)-ah ...!! finally u woke up~ *delighted*
u : ahh .... Baek-oppa .....
(U're trying to get ur head up from the pillow n Baekhyun immediately help u . U could see him with a wet n clean towel -probably he use it to clean ur face n body since u feel those parts are wet)
u : Baek-oppa ..... w-what happened ..?? why am i get here ??
Baek : aeigoo (ur name)-ah ... u must take enough rest ...! i'll tell u the whole story after u fully recover , nae ?? *smiles*
u : aa ..... *hesitates* ermm nae ... hmm where's the others ..??
Baek : ahh~ Taemin has to practice his new dance skills n (TaeminT) ... of course with him~ Minho brings (Flamer) to the recording ... he's recording the rap part of Sherlock .. their song for comeback~ Key ... i heard he got a problem with his suit for MV so he's meeting the designer to change .. he said the suit that was given to him is too simple n no fashion~ Onew ... i guess he's at his home n Jonghyun ... *smirks as he see u show some interests* he's in the vocal class right now~ ahh ! almost forgot ! ur father left just now to send ur mom home .. they're here since last night so i volunteer to look after u~ u were unconscious for 3 days already~ *smiles*
u : omo 3 days ?? woahh full report , haha ! *chuckles but suddenly be quiet* ..... what ? ya Baek-oppa ! i never meet my parents ! stop pulling my leg ! *pouts*
Baek : aniyo~ it's YOUR parents !
u : *look at him with "just-stop-playing-already" face*
Baek : aniyo , (ur name)-ah ... *sits next to u at the edge of the bed* when u were unconscious ........ ur dad comes ...!
u : *speechless n stuttered* w-wh-what did u say ...?? o-oppa ... it's not good for u to play about this matter ....
Baek : *shook his head hard* ani ! i'm talking the truth ! just wait ... when u recover n allowed to leave the hospital , u can go back to ur own house ...! u can meet ur parents ! *smiles really wide*
u : B-Baek-oppa .... u .. u're not making joke , right ...??
(Suddenly the door was opened , revealing an old yet handsome man)
u : omo , Headmast--
Appa : omo , (ur name)-ah ...... my daughter ...! u're awake ?? *suddenly walk towards u n hugs u , making u speechless right away*
u : err ..... H-headmaster .......?? *break the embrace softly*
Appa : appa .... call me "appa" ! nae ??
u : *silent for a minute ... u look at Baekhyun to have a confirmation*
Baek : *from behind Appa , nods at u with a smile*
u : *looks at ur Appa back before slowly smile n hug him* nae , 'Appa' !
(u , ur Appa n Baekhyun have a talk when the doctor n a nurse come in)
Doctor : ahh~ (ur name)-ssi ! Beolseo kesseo ??
Appa : *quickly greets the doctor* ahh .. Doctor , how's my daughter ?? can she leave now ??
Doctor : Dae , (Appa)-ssi .. i need to check her for a minute before i could make any decision whether she needs to stay or can leave ... *then he examine u for about 5 minutes before decides* her condition is satisfied ... she may leave tomorrow morning *smiles at ur Appa as ur Appa seems to be relieve before the doctor look at u back* (ur name)-ssi .. please take care of ur health , nae ? *smiles as he pass a file to the nurse next to him n both of them leave*
u : ahh~ Appa ! when can i meet omma ?? do i have to wait till tomorrow ... or u're going to take her here ??? *hoping*
Appa : hmm .... i think we should make a surprise for her ... (ur name)-ahh~ ur omma , she loves surprise very much ! *winks as u chuckles*
Baek : Ahjussi ... i can take care of (ur name) till tomorrow !
Appa : aniyo~ *looks at Baekhyun with a secret stares* I think 'he' must need some chance , right ??
Baek : *confuse for awhile before he gives a respond* ahh~ dae ! of course ! *chuckles* then i'll call 'him' right now , nae ? Sillyehamnida ... *then he pull out his phone n dial a number as he walks out from the room*
u : *feels weird* waeirae , appa ?? who's "he" ???
Appa : *smiles secretly* u'll know it soon , my princess~

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