Thursday 7 June 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #42

[Previous Chappie --> both of u n Jonghyun r ignoring each other . Key knows about this n he feels suspicious about Jonghyun's acts so now he sets a meet with Jonghyun at a luxurious cafe called Avenue Cafe]
Key : *driving the car to the cafe from the school -he's singing along with the songs that was played on radio when he saw Jonghyun on the street , seems like he's walking to the cafe* huhh ?? is that Jonghyun ?? *stops singing as he stops the car* oii , Jjong-hyungnim !
Hyun : *turn his head to Key n quickly run towards the car* aisshh !! shh ! don't shout out my name in the public ! then it will be useless if i still got caught by fans although i wears this cap ... glasses ... jackett-- ........
Key : nahh~ get in !
Hyun : *get into the car* so , why do u want to meet me ?? we still can meet at the dorm , right ??
Key : *starts driving again* it's a private thing ....... neither Onew , Minho nor Taemin can interrupt out conversation ...! really confidential !
Hyun : aeigoo ...... what's that ?? sound so serious , huh ? *chuckle*
Key : since when i start to love making jokes , huhh ??
Hyun : fine~ fine ! is it about girl ?? *smirks*
Key : hmm .............. *thinking* yeah !
Hyun : woahhh .... Key-ah ! who's that lucky girl ??? *wide smile* omo did i know her ??? since when ???
Key : not so long~ i met her around this week~ u know her very-very well ! her name is (ur name)-ah !
Hyun : *face changes from excited to guilty yet angry face* w- what ?? why r we going to talk about her ?? why ? u're interested in her ? *smirks*
Key : hmm .... *pretends like thinking* yeah i'm interested in her .....
Hyun : *face changes again to a shocked mimic* w-- what ......??
Key : pabo ! i'm not going to flirt with my friend's girl ! aishh ...... *park the car in the car park area* kaja ! let's have a better conversation ! *get out from the car , followed by Hyun*
[Place --> In the Cafe]
Waitress : *slightly bow as she gives Key n Jonghyun the menu* order , sir ?
Key : hmm ....... i don't feel like wanna having coffee right now ... just give me an apple juice ! n Americano for my friend .... *gives back the menu to the waitress n look back at Hyun to start talking as the waitress walk away*
Hyun : u know very well what i like ... *smirks*
Key : come on , Jjong-hyungnim ! i know u since we were in high school ... or longer than that ! n because of that , i know u're ignoring (ur name) because of ur aunt ... AGAIN ......., right ? *he pressed the word 'again'*
Hyun : *be quiet n just look down*
Key : nahh~ i know it already ! u'll never ignore the person u love without reason ! just like when u n Shin Sekyung !
Hyun : *suddenly looked up* i told u don't ever u say that name in front of me ...... *threatening*
Key : fine ! i'm surrender ... *put up his hands like a caught criminal* but , u know what ... although i just know (ur name) around a week , i could feel that she's different .. she's not like ................. *Hyun's giving Key a death glare when Key's about to say that name again* ur 'previous girlfriend' !
Hyun : i know , Key ... i know that ! but , that bitch threaten me ...! she would hurt (ur name) if i stay with her .... *upset*
Key : aishh that bitch ................. don't worry , Jjong-ah ! she'll be safe as long as u stay by her side ! the other members ... Onew-hyungnim .. Minho , Taemin n (Taemint) also always by her side ! (ur name) is our friend , by the way~ *pat Hyun's back*
Hyun : *keep thinking ...................... before smiles* gomawo , Key-ah ! u're my very-very best chingu !
Key : nae~ i know that~ *giggles*

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