Thursday 7 June 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #43

[Previous Chappie --> Key met Jjong n proof what he feels suspicious about was true . Key successfully persuade Jjong to make up with u again]
_____________NEXT DAY_______________
[Place --> At SM building]
Key : ahaa ! there she is ! now , Jjong-hyung ! go n persuade her !! *keep pushing Jjong*
Hyun : dae ~! dae ~! i'm going ! *feels nervous when see u at the school cafe*
Key : aeigoo .........!! palli !! she's leaving !!
Hyun : dae ! i know !! *starts to walk towards u*
(Suddenly someone's interrupt)
Baek : annyeong , (ur name)-ah~ ! how r u today ??*pokes ur back softly*
u : *turn ur head to see Baekhyun* ohh ! annyeong , Baek-oppa ! i feel great today ! how about u ?? have u had ur breakfast ??
Baek : me too ! hmm ......... not yet ...... *makes a cute pouts n at the same time , rubbing his stomach*
u : *pinch his cheek softly* aeigooo this pampered teacher ........... let's have breakfast together , what do u think ??
Baek : that would be nice ! kaja ! *hold ur hand n take a seat*
u : *also sit next to him*
(AT THE SAME TIME .......)
Key : oii Jjong-hyungnim ! isn't that guy next to (ur name) looks familiar ?? *keep eye-ing Baekhyun n u* oii ... hyung ! hyungnim !! *keep trying to poke Jjong at his side but when Key turn his head , he realize he's just poking the air* Jjong-hyung ?? *look around n see Jjong is walking fiercely towards u n Baekhyun* omo hyungnim .........!
Hyun : *walk to u -of course u didn't realize him- n suddenly grab ur wrist*
u : *stops laughing with Baekhyun , shocked n turn ur head to Jjong* what r u ...................!??
Hyun : *look at Baekhyun n speaks really cold* mianhae but I guess u have to eat alone cause I need to borrow ur girl for awhile . kaja ! *quickly pull ur wrist n walk away*
u : *hesitates but just follow Jjong as he grabs ur hand too hard*
Baek : *shocked n speechless as he looks at Key*
Key : *looks away n whistling like there's nothing to do with him*
Baek : aeigoo ....... he's still bad tempered like usual~ *chuckle softly n begin to laugh*
Key : aeigoo u're mischievous kid ..... when did u back to Korea , huh ?? *sits next to Baekhyun*
Baek : haha ! just a few days ago~ i was at Kim's mansion to meet aunt when i heard her n Jjong r fighting ... well~ i'm a bit upset that Jjong already forgot about me after i've gone to oversea to study for many years but i think it's useful cause Jjong doesn't realize that his 'rival' is his own cousin , haha !
Key : *pouts n chuckle a bit* aishh ....... Jjong may have eat u alive if he knows about this ...! but i guess i know what u're trying to do ........ n i like it !
Baek : haha ! well~ but (ur name) indeed is a nice girl~ i might end up falling for her ..... OUCH ! damn , Key ! u stabbed my hand by a fork !! *hold pain*
Key : serve u right ! don't u dare taking away (ur name) from Jjong or i'll make u as barbecue for dinner !
Baek : woahh relax , man~ i'm just joking around~ u're really couldn't take any jokes , huhh ?? *pouts*
Key : yes , I am ! *stick out his tongue*
Baek : what . ever ~! hmm ......... i wonder what Jjong is doing with (ur name) right now~
(Then both of them look at each other with an evil grin plastered on each mouth)

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