Thursday 14 June 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #49

[Previous Chapter --> u go home with Baekhyun n u were KIDNAPPED with some badass when u were in the apartment . Jonghyun who was planning to meet u for a confession get into ur house n realize u were in danger]
[Situation --> Jonghyun is rushing to his car back while his hand is looking for his phone from his jeans' pocket]
Hyun : *dial a number* awwhh ..... (ur name)-ah ... please , just be safe ... *waiting for the call to be answered*
=The call was not answered=
Hyun : awhh Shit , Taemin !! i know u don't pick up ur phone at the most time but why also at this time ...!!?? u better throw away ur phone if it wasn't used !! *dial other number* please ... please .. please .... pick up the phone !
=The call was not answered=
Hyun : awwhh not u too , Minho-goon !!! stop flirting with ur beloved girlfriend !!! *dialed another number* i'm hoping ..... *finally he reach to his car so he gets in n starts the engine*
=The call was not answered=
Hyun : urggghhh !!! why r u sleeping too early , ONEW !!!!!!!!!????????
(n the same thing happen when he dials Key's number too)
Hyun : URGGHHH WHAT THE H-LL !!!????? WHO ELSE IS GOING TO HELP ME LOOKING FOR (ur name) !!??? .................. *suddenly get silent* ani ... ani ..... u can't do that , Kim Jonghyun ..... b-but ... he usually picks up his phone , right ...?? ani ! i can't ! but all my friends r not answering the calls ...... *he keeps nagging to himself n without his realize , his hand is dialing the number ......*
=The call was answered=
From other line : oo .... Yobosaeyo ?? *drying his hair with towel since he just done bathing*
Hyun : err ..... oii Baekhyun-ah ...! is (ur name) with u ??
Baek : huhh ?? ahh~ shorty ! ani . i sent her right in front of the building n i see her get into the elevator Safely ... wae ??
Hyun : *for the first time ignores when Baekhyun called him as 'shorty'* what ?? she's not in her house ! i was from her house n i find it was terribly messed up ! i think someone's get into the house n ........ i got a bad thought on my mind right now ..
Baek : *stops ruffling his hair with towel as his face change* w- wait ...... don't continue ur words ....!! no .... it can't be ......! where r u now ???
Hyun : i'm driving right now ! on the road ...! on the way to ur house !
Baek : huhh ?? okay ... u wait for me , i'm going to ..... err .. get ready ! *quickly grab his T-shirt on his bed*
Hyun : just be Quick !
=The call was hanged out=

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