Wednesday 6 June 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #41

[Previous Chappie --> Jonghyun was jealous to see u laughing n talking nice with ur new teacher , who is a young n handsome guy . n now , u're ignoring him]
__________NEXT DAY___________
[Place --> -Wandering- Around SM School -On the Way to the Class]
u : *whistling Hyuna's n Hyunseung's <Trouble Maker> melody*
(Suddenly u feel someone's glaring at u , so u look around to see whether ur feeling is right . n u see Hyun walk pass by)
u : (In Heart : someone is glaring at me ....... Hyun ? is he glaring at me just now ??? i don't think so ..... he's scolding me last day ! n now he just walk pass by without even look at me . so , must not be him !)
(Then u feel someone pokes ur back)
u : *be startled as u shocked* urggh i'm dead ! *turn ur body just to see the laughing-Key*
Key : *laughing non-stop* AHAHAHA !! ur face ....... just now ...... AHAHA ! it's funny to see ur shocked face ahahaha !!
u : *feels annoyed* YAA !! how dare u laugh at me ! *blushed as u kick his left leg to stop his laugh*
Key : *in a second , stops laughing n now holding pain* UCHH ! YOU .......!!! *lift up his leg while his hand keeps rubbing his aching leg*
(now , it's time for u to laugh at him back~)
u : AHAHA ! serve u right~ *stick out tongue at him*
Key : *try to stand up although he's getting limp* aisshh ........ why r u keep standing there n just dreaming just now ?? what r u looking at ??
u : ani~ i just feel someone's glaring at me .......... *still look around* never mind ! so , what r u doing here , oppa ??
Key : i'm SM's celebrity ! is it weird if u see me walking in SM's building~ ?? *smirks as he lift a brow*
u : ahh~ mianhae , i forgot ......... *mehrong*
Key : nae gwaenchana ~! hmm i saw Jjong-hyungnim walk pass by just now , right ? why r u guys like ignoring each other ??
u : *answer him back coldly* i don't know . he's the one who's ignoring me . n when i try to ask him why , he scolded me . so , i ignore him back ~ now , i've NOTHING to do with him ........
Key : woahh that's mean ...! hmm ............... he's ignoring u ...... i wonder what's the reason it was .... *thinking deeply*
u : whatever it was , i won't care ! okay , i'm going to the class . bye , Key-oppa ! *smiles at him n quickly walk away*
Key : nae~ *smiles n waves but once u've disappear from his sight , he continue thinking* hmm ........ it must be that bitchy Madam again ....... Jjong will never ignore the person he loves without reason ...! n i know Jjong loves (ur name) very much !
(then Key suddenly approach two girls who walk pass by)
Key : ya , have u seen Jonghyun ??
girl 1 : *shocked n whisper to her friend* oh ma gadd ....!! it's Key ...!!
girl 2 : omo ! ermm ......... *tries to act cool* i think i see him leaving just now ... like yesterday , he left the class earlier .. right , (girl 1) ?
girl 1 : ohh dae ... *nodded really fast as she was excited*
Key : ahh~ fine then .. gomawo *smiles n walk away as he reach out his phone from his pocket n starts dialing* ......................... *the call answered* o .. yobosaeyo ? haa Jjong-hyungnim ! where r u ?? ...... ohh .. hmm let us meet at Avenue Cafe , dae ? i guess i'll see u there in half an hour . u're dead if i don't see u ....... *blackmailing* okay , see u there~ bye ! *hang up*

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