Sunday 3 June 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #37

[Previous Chappie --> u interviewed a hard-die-fan of Jonghyun to find out his home but now u were caught by him when u're in the mission !!]
u : err ........ o- oppa .....!! w-- what r u d- doing h- here .....??
Hyun : BHAHAHAHAHHAA !!!!! caught already ??? haha !!
u : aissshhhh !! *ur face flushed*
Hyun : *still laughing when he sits next to u on the bench* haha i thought u give up already ??
u : *strictly* i won't
Hyun : haha u're such a stubborn girl ........ but don't worry ~ it's make u look cuter haha . i like it *winks as he starts to play with ur hair*
u : *just let him play with ur hair as u pouts* aishh ..... how do u know that i'm here ???
Hyun : nae ~ i saw u walk away in front of the SM building after u have some talk with a fan .......... *smirks when u immediately look away* ........ so i Followed u~
u : eisshhh .......... *complaining to urself* hmmm whatever .... wait ..! u said , this morning ......... u SKIPPED the vocal class ???? *rolling eyes*
Hyun : nahh stop acting like 'skipping class' is a hilarious thing to do while u , sitting here ..... hanging ~ around during the class time~
u : *pouts again* nae~
Hyun : *stops playing with ur hair n pinched ur cheek softly as he saw ur pouts*
u : aeigoo waeirae~ !?? it's hurt u pabo *stick out ur tongue at him while he do the same at u*
Hyun : *stay silent as he's chuckling*
u : *looking around n u saw a ...... maid cafe* (In Heart : so cute ! with the decorations ... the plants around it ... how can i don't realize it while i already sit on this bench for a long time ???) kaja , oppa ! let's have some coffee !
Hyun : huhh ?? *look at the cafe n his face changed*
u : aishh palli , kaja !
(In The Cafe)
Waitress : Annyeonghasaeyo . Welcome to our Maid Cafe ........ *speechless when see Jonghyun*
Hyun : *stay silent n without u knowing , he glares sharply at the waitress*
Waitress : err ... err ..... so agassi ..?? anything u wanna order ??
u : hmm give me ......... Caramel coffee please *smiles* n a piece of Blueberry cake ! kamsahmnida ... *look at Hyun*
Hyun : *clear his throat , glare at the waitress for awhile* give me a cup of Americano .... that's all ..
Waitress : dae ..... please wait for a minute .. ur orders will be send here after this .. *smiles before walk away*
u : ya , oppa . why r u so cold to that girl ??? it doesn't seem like the King of Player~ *giggles*
Hyun : *finally smiles* ya , stop calling me player !
u : aishh wae~ ?? u r a player~ *laugh playfully*
Hyun : *talking slowly* i'm not a player when i'm with u ......
u : o ? what did u say ?? u talk too slow , i can't hear u !
Hyun : *smiles* nothing !

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