Sunday 27 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #35


[Previous Chappie --> Taemin n his girlfriend r having a playful fight , leaving u n Hyun alone in the house n now Hyun got something in his mind]

u : hmm ......... i think so .. so , now i better wrap the cut on ur feet ..! oh my gadd the blood is getting dry ..! aishh ....... ya , u're too much acting ! u said ur blood is like river ... but actually u just wanna scared me , right ? *pouts*
Hyun : *chuckle n admiring ur pout without ur realization*
u : *go to the kitchen to get the first-aid-kit on the freezer -u notice that (Taemint) already clean up the broken glass- before walk towards Hyun back*
Hyun : *accidentally hit the table with his injured feet* OUCHH !!!
u : *think he's acting again* urgghhh stop acting , oppa !
Hyun : am not ! i hit the table ....!! *eyes welling*
u : aeigooo ........ *noticed some blood stains on the table* u better be careful ! here , give me ur leg .. *put out some medicine n some other things*
Hyun : *just obey ur words when holding pain*
u : *start nagging n at the same time , wrapping the cut .. u keep muttering till u didn't realize that u wrap too tight*
Hyun : ARGHH ! (ur name)-ah ! don't wrap too tight ! the blood will go out more ! aishhh .......... hurt ......
u : ahh mianhae , oppa ...!! *starts to wrap softly* n ........ done ! oppa , can u stand up now ?? try n tell me if it's too tight or too loose ... *hold Hyun's hand to help him stands*
Hyun : *stands up slowly as he holds the pain under his feet , n now ... he's standing straight in front of u*
u : ahh~ seems like u're getting fine now~ *examining his feet before u realize he keeps watching u from the beginning* huhh ?? waeirae , oppa~?? is there anything on my face ?? *feel awkward n starts to pat ur face slowly*
Hyun : *stay silent as he stares in ur eyes deeply n getting closer ..... closer ..... n closer ..........*
u : *getting nervous* o--oppa ........??
Chu ~!
(Both of u stand still with the lips-locking for a minute when suddenly .......)
Minho : don't mind me , i just come back cause i left my car key . just ignore me n u can continue .. *get in as both of u quickly break the kiss*
(Both of u blushed as u guys keep eye-ing Minho)
Minho : *take the car key on the table before walk out but then he stops in front of the door as he turn his body towards u guys* like i said~ ignore me n continue . u 'Lovebirds'~ *smirks n walk away*
Hyun : nahh~ 2nd interruption ............. *feels mad*
u : err ....... *blushed* i think i better leave now ...! it's getting darker now ..!
Hyun : uhh ...... let me send u ..
u : ani ! gwaenchana ! i can take the cab ! bye ! *quickly take ur handbag n jacket*
Hyun : hmm ......... okay then ... see u tomorrow ..! *smiles as he see u wave n leaving*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #34


[Previous Chappie --> Jonghyun is about to kiss u when suddenly the 'lovebirds' couple , Taemin n (Taemint) r back to interrupt ... well , they're not trying to interrupt purposely~]

Taemint : oh ma gadd ...... m- mianhae .....!! we'll leave u now ! u- u can continue ! just ignore us ! kaja , oppa !
u : *blushed* ya !! what do u mean by 'continue' !?? aishh ..... i just fell on Hyun's lap ! it was an accident ! i'm looking for first-aid-kit .. do u have it ??? oppa was hurt when cleaning the broken glass ...
Taemint : huhh ??? omo Jjong-ah ! there're bloods everywhere ! let me get u the kit ! i put it on the freezer ...... *quickly run into the kitchen*
Taemin : aishh ..... Jonghyun-hyungnim ! u're so troublesome~ always making out problems ~! *shook his head*
Hyun : *send the Maknae a death glare (Taemin doesn't realize the glare) before smirking* dae ... i know right , Taemin-ah .......
Taemin : bwoh ?? u admit !?? it's really going to be dooms day .......... *suddenly frozen n scared*
Hyun : uhh ...... yea .. maybe .. before the day comes , i wanna say something to u .. Taemin-ah .. please come closer ... *make a face that almost cry , holding the 'pain'*
Taemin : omo , hyungnim ! don't cry ! dae , i'm coming ! what do u wanna say ?? tell me ! i'll hear them ! *quickly go closer to Hyun*
Hyun : T--Taemin-ah ............... *get his mouth closer to Taemin's ear to whisper something*
u : (In Heart : is he just acting ?? i think he's OVER-acting .... owwhhh poor Taeminnie ~! so innocent ! -u didn't realize that u also INNOCENT when Hyun acts in front of u just now-)
Hyun : *get closer to Taemin .... closer n closer n ............* how dare u left me doing the dishes ALONE .................................. *evil tone*
Taemin : *shocked but before he could move away , the older guy , as fast as lightning , bite the younger's earlobe hardly* ARRRGHHHHH !!!!!!!!!! HYUNG ...!! HYUNGNIM ...!!! MIANHAEYO !!!! OMO IT'S HURT !! LET ME GO !! (UR NAME)-ah !!!! HELP ME !!!!!!
u : aeigoo !! YA ! oppa ..!! stop ! aishh although u're sick , u still wanna hurt others !?? *pull Taemin away from Hyun -Hyun is sticking out his tongue to Taemin-*
Taemin : ahh ....!! *pat his ear when holding pain* nae gomawoyo , (ur name)-ah ! saranghaeyo ! *suddenly hug u tightly*
Hyun : *rolling eyes* YAAA !!!!!!! (Taemint)-ah !! ur boyfriend is flirting with my girlfriend !!! *get totally mad*
Taemint : *from the kitchen* OPPA !!! u wait , i'm going to .......!!! *chase Taemin*
Taemin : *quickly release u n runaway*
u : aishh ...... fighting again ??
Hyun : so , now ... being alone again ~ *look at u*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #33

[Previous Chappie --> Jonghyun was hurt when he's trying to clean up the broken glasses so u help him n now he is offering u a kiss if u're successfully lift him to the living room]

u : andwae !
Hyun : aishh waeirae ~??? *makes an aeigyo face*
u : *look at other side to avoid his aeigyo* it's YOU who will be happy with the 'gift' ! not me , right !??
Hyun : *be quiet for awhile before smile to tease u* hmm ....... dae , u're right~ but , r u seriously don't want a kiss from me ??? awwhh come on , jagiya~ i can see right through u~
u : stop calling me 'jagiya' , please . i'm not ur girlfriend at all ! u never ask me to be ur girlfriend n i never agree although u did ! *pouts*
Hyun : aeigoo ........ then why did u just keep silent when i introduce u as my girlfriend to people before ?? *giggling*
u : err ....... it-- it's because ....... *stutter*
Hyun : hmm ?? wae ~? wae ~? *starts to smirk*
u : *hesitates* it's because .... i don't wanna put a shame on u ! if i said i'm not ur girlfriend , people will think that it's only u r chasing for me ! well ... it must have spoil ur image as the King of Player ~! *stick out ur tongue to him*
Hyun : *lift a brow* nahh~ u already knew that i'm a player ??? hmm ......... that's bad .... *smirks as he looks at u n think of an idea* ouchh ............... (:: okay ... he's acting ! XD ) aeigoo ....... this is really hurting ..!
u : *who's acting really cold a few seconds ago ...* huhh ?? omo oppa ! gwaenchana o ??? aeigooo ........ must have take u to the living room now !
(So , u have to use all ur energy to bring Hyun n let him sit on the sofa in the living room)
u : wait here .......! i'm going to get the first-aid-kit ........ err ..... oppa ! where's the kit ?? *look around to find it*
Hyun : *continue with his acts n scream louder* AEIGOOO ......!! (ur name)-ah ! faster ...!! the blood is like river now ! aishh it's so hurting !
u : huhh !?? wait ! wait ! *panic n run around to find n suddenly u hit something so u fell on Hyun's lap* ARGGHH !
(When u try to stand up , u got eyes-locked with Hyun ..... u stop as u get totally shocked . he looks at u closer ......)
Hyun : *whisper* u r pretty ......
u : *blushed* w--what ......??
(He's getting closer n closer . u wanna move away but u can't do nothing else than stay frozen ..... closer .. closer .. really close ....!)
Taemin : ANNYEONG , HYUNGNIM !! *full of cheer* done with the dishes-- ......?? *stop as he rolls his eyes , u quickly move away from the suddenly-moody Hyun*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #32

[Previous Chappie : u talked with Minho n now u guys r FRIENDS !!! now , u're going to the kitchen cause u heard Hyun's screaming]

u : what the h*ll was happened ??? stop shouting like girls !
Hyun : DAE !?? what do u mean by Me , like GIRLS ??? *stands straight in front of u with an arrogant face* u rather leave me doing the dishes alone although u knew i never do it !!
u : F*CK !??? did u just say that I LEFT U !??? u were the one who told me to leave u , isn't it !?? n know u put the blame on ME !??
Hyun : GAHH !! shut up ! i'm going to-- *abt to walk away but suddenly fell on u*
(Fortunately u r able to catch him before he fell n u noticed that he's LIMP ...)
u : ya .....!! what's wrong ??? *look at him worriedly*
Hyun : *trying hard to step his feet on the floor again but he shout in pain* Ouchh ! n-- nothing ...! i just misstep just now ....... Urrgghhh ...... (groan)
u : *feel weird with the groans n shouts n when ur eyes fell on his feet , u get shocked* OMO u're bleeding ! so much bloods everywhere !what happened ???
Hyun : *trying hard to stand so u help him* t-- the glasses ... it fell n broke so i try to clean it up ...... n .. i stepped on it .. seems like i stepped on a big piece ..... *eyes welling as he hold the pain*
u : aishh ........ let me help u clean the cut ..... urgghh .....!! *groan as u're trying hard to lift the heavy-muscled-guy Hyun while u , a little-tiny girl*
Hyun : aeigoo ...... just call Minho ! u can't lift me with ur little body !
(Suddenly Minho -who doesn't know Hyun's condition- shout from the door)
Minho : oii (ur name)-ah ! Jonghyun-hyungnim ! i'm going home now ! don't worry , i'll lock the door ! see u later~ *slam the door before u could call for him*
(Both of u n Hyun get silence)
u : i thought this is the SHINee Dorm ???
Hyun : ani . this is (Taemint)'s house . we're just come here for dinner . Onew n Key couldn't come cause they had interviews . hmm ....... gwaenchana ! just call Taemin ! although he's also tiny , at least he's a guy~ *smirks n shout* oii TAEMIN-AH ! help me please !
u : *hesitates* err ........ actually ... Taemin already go out with (Taemint) before u start washing the dishes .........
Hyun : *shock n suddenly look at u with a scary eyes n talk slowly -almost whispering- like a devil's whisper* u mean ..... he LEFT me doing the chores while he go out to date .................??
u : err ................... unfortunately ........ yeah .. but he said he'll be back !
Hyun : when ?
u : err ....... *starts to shiver when u see Hyun's devil glare* when ... u've .. finished the dishes .........
Hyun : aishh that guy is so ......... *be quiet for a minute before smirks* ya , (ur name)-ah ! if u successfully lift me to the living room , i'll give u a kiss ........ on LIPS ......... *wide smile*

Thursday 24 May 2012

Jonghyun Note for 4th Anniversary

it's not to long.. myb he tired

I am SHINee’s Bling Bling Jonghyun!

It’s been four years.
We’re four years old. Wow, that’s amazing.
Let’s keep doing well for a long long time!!!!!^^

Teamin note for 4th Anniversary

i’m SHINee’s cool man Taemin~!^^

I’m SHINee’s makdoongi Taemin!^^

Everyone, it’s already been 4 years for us.
There were many hiatuses and we were overseas a lot,
but I have always thought about all of SHINee World.
It’s the same for you all, right? haha

And I have finally turned 20 years old
and have become a mature man haha.
Don’t fall for me too much. ^^

Anyway, I really miss you.
Please wait a little longer, everyone. Huhu we will run to you quickly haha.
Anyway, please look forward to SHINee who is growing up quickly.
Continue to give us lots and lots of love~

I love you, SHINee world

This has been SHINee’s Taemin
who has become a cute but cool man.

Bbuing bbuing~~

Key note for 4th anniversary

It’s our 4th anniversary.. It’s already our 4th anniversary!
I think everybody and we as well have run restlessly and leaned against each other.
Please continue to take care of us. We will promote from the bottom of our hearts!

I love you. Thank you :-)

Onew note for 4th Anniversary

It’s four years. ^^

Though it’s been long, I’m happy with a short period of time spent with everyone. ^^ We’re focusing on Japan activities these days~ spending such happy time!

We’ll keep working hard to create a better time ^^ Let’s be happy together! Yaho ㅎ

Let’s be together for many times in the future! I love you. ^^

Everybody fantastic chicken

4 year together as one

SHINee have debut 4 years ago from noona neomu yepo until Sherlock...

All shawol in one heart together waiting for SHINee to comeback every years

Even we only can see them on televsion or video even in picture, we know SHINee oppa love SHAWOL very much<3

Happy $th anniversary SHINee <3

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #31

[Previous Chappie : u let Hyun to do the dishes alone . well , it's not u who're being too cruel .. he's the one who offer himself n u saw Minho alone at the veranda so u join him as he's abt to tell u abt his problem]
u : hmm ........ dae Hyun-oppa told me abt that .. but , what's wrong with her ?? anything happened to her ??? *look at Minho worriedly*
Minho : ahh~! ani ! nothing happened to her .......... she's just fine .. Just .. have u heard abt Minyul gossips ?
u : Minyul ??? who's that ?? a robber ?? a ... criminal ?? a ... ahh ~ i got it ! a new constellation founded ? *being so ignorant since u've never care abt the world*
Minho : *dumbfounded for awhile at ur ignorance but then , laugh non-stop*
u : (In Heart : oh ma gadd !! he's laughing ! i make him laughing ! finally , for the first time i see him laugh ! kyeopta ........ ♥ b-but what is he laughing at ...?? is he laughing abt ME ?? did i say wrong just now ?? aeigoo so embarrassing !) w--waeirae~!?? ya , oppa ! stop laughing ! u're so irritating ! *pouts n show ur aeigyo-ness*
Minho : ahaha ! dae .. dae ! i've stop .. haha dangsineul neomu kyeopta ! ani~ Minyul is a couple name ... for me .. *points his index finger to his chest* n Yuri from SoNyeoShiDae (SNSD) ..
u : ahh~ i know Sonyeoshidae ! but .... u n Yuri unnie ... is it called a "long-distance lover" ??? i thought u guys were in the same company called SM , right ??
Minho : dae .... absolutely but i never say she's really my girlfriend ! she's not my lover .. she's just my friend n the gossips aren't true .. i've to settle all of this before i meet my girlfriend ... i bet she must be really hurt with the gossips ....
u : ahh~ i thought there's any more serious problem ......... such a simple thing .... it doesn't have much different like trying to solve the kids' puzzles ! *pouts*
Minho : *send u a death glare* what do u mean ??
u : *look at him with a smirk* i heard u're really good in sports ... but actually u aren't good in love at all~ such a no gentleman guy~
Minho : Yaa !! *feels annoyed with ur acts*
u : wae~ ?? *makes an innocent face* did i say something wrong , oppa ?? i'm just saying the truth~ if u don't get relax , u'll never get any idea ! like solving problem , if u keep thinking that u couldn't solve it , u'll never solve it ! n one more thing , *suddenly pull Minho's face to face u* try to be more gentleman .. trust me , u won't regret it~ *winks*
Minho : *shocked n be quiet for awhile before he smirks n getting closer to u* when u say 'gentleman' ..... i don't know how to be a gentleman .. *makes a cute mimic* do u have any good model for me , that i could take him as my 'master' ?? *evil smile*
u : *hesitates for awhile when thinking* hmm ...... a gentleman guy like ..... aha ! Hyun-oppa !
Minho : *suddenly makes an annoying face* ahh i forgot .. u're Jonghyun-hyungnim's girlfriend .. of course u'll suggest him ......
(u're just giggling when u heard a "PRANGG !!!!!" sounds from the kitchen -must be Hyun-oppa ..-)
u : oh my gadd ....... this guy ..... *abt to walk away to the kitchen*
Minho : ahh (ur name)-ah !
u : *stops n turn to look at Minho* o ?
Minho : kamsahmnida for the advice n also for scolding me ... *smirks* n ...... how did u know i'm good in sports ?? u even don't know me when our first meet , am i right ?? *lift one of his brow*
u : ahh~ i assume u're good in sports based on ur muscled body ... *mehrong*
Minho : *chuckles* nae ... i guess we could be good friends *smile sincerely* u're so similar to (Taemint) ............!
(u're abt to answer him back when u heard Hyun screams from the kitchen)
u : oh my gad .. i better check him now ! *quickly run towards the kitchen , leaving the no-longer-blank-faced Minho*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #30

[Previous Chappie : a magic happened when the lazy-ass of Jonghyun suddenly help u for dishes n ur new friend , (Taemint) compliment u]
u : *blushing* mwo ?? ahh ani ! nothing special abt me ! seriously .....!
Taemin : aishh u're blushing ! *giggles* ya , yeobo ! *put his arm over his girlfriend's shoulder* kaja ! just let Jonghyun-hyungnim do the dishes ! ya , (ur name)-ah ! please note that no-longer-lazy-ass , we're going to have some walk around the pool at level 15th ! don't worry ... tell him we'll get back as he's done with the dishes *giggles n bring his lovely girlfriend out*
u : dae~ *once they go out , u chuckle as u mutter* aishh really lovebirds ..... *go to the sink in the kitchen n see the confused Hyun , looking at the dishes n u hear him whisper , without knowing u're right behind him*
Hyun : aishh ........ i never see the maids washing off the dirt from the dishes before ! how r they doing this ???
(u chuckle softly , making him shocked n blushed when look at u)
u : aeigoo ...... u r the Player Kingka but sometimes u do look so aeigyo ! u're innocent guy .......... move . i'll takeover ! *still chuckle*
Hyun : *with his red face , move aside n watching u doing the first dishes n when u're abt to take the 2nd dishes .....* okay ! i got this ! now , u move ! *push u aside softly n starts to takeover back* (In Heart : now i know how to do the dishes ... well , i takeover again not because i love it ! absolutely NOPE ! well ... i can't let her look me as a dumb who doesn't know how to do the dishes !)
u : huhh ?? *puzzled but move aside* r u sure u can handle all of this ???
Hyun : *look at u* of course , my yeobo~ since u said u've used to do the dishes , sometimes let .... this 'lazy-ass' replacing u *winks n for a sudden , kiss ur cheek n continue washing*
u : *just blushing without shock - seems like u've getting used with Hyun's unexpected acts* then ... can i walk around .....??
Hyun : sure , yeobo~ *smiles*
u : err ...... kamsahmnida , oppa ..
(u leave him n u walk around , till u see a figure of a guy , be quiet n just daydreaming at the veranda .. u walk nearer n find it was Minho . u join him n starts to greet him)
u : annyeong ! u r ..................... (In Heart : okay ... i forgot his name , again ...)
Minho : Choi Minho .............. *still staring at nowhere with his empty eyes*
u : ahh ... dae .. Minho ...!
Minho : call me oppa , it sounds friendlier ...
u : err ..... oppa ! hm what r u doing here ??? isn't it cold out here ?? is there anything bother u ??
Minho : hmm ...... since u seem like understanding ... *finally look at u with a smile* actually , yes i have a problem ... i believe Jonghyun-hyungnim already tell u abt my long-distanced lover , right ???

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #29

[Previous Chappie : u had a dinner with ur new friends , Taemin , her girlfriend (Taemint) , Minho n ........ Hyun . ur friendship with Taemin n her girlfriend r getting better ... Hyun , keep teasing u again n again n Minho .... he seems like got a problem n u r curious abt it]
u : woahh i'm full ! *rub ur full-but-still-slim stomach softly*
(Minho already disappear to nowhere)
Taemin : woahh jagiya~ ur cook is becoming better , better n better ! *smile widely to his girlfriend*
Taemint : nahh u just want me to feed u again next time ! *ignore him n keep cleaning the dishes from the table*
u : let me help u ! *help for the dishes*
Taemint : huhh ?? ani ! ani ! u're the guest ! just sit n relax ...
u : aeigooo ...... i already used with those stuffs of dishes ! i'm facing the dishes .. like for my whole life every time i finished eating !
(The couple r rolling eyes n amazed)
Taemin : woahh ! seriously !?? for ur whole life ??? u mean , u're doing dishes by ur own since u were a kid ????? for god sake ................
(U're abt to answer him back but suddenly Hyun interrupt ur conversation)
Hyun : well~ my girlfriend is way much better than ur girlfriend~ *giggles while walk behind u n give u a back hug , which make u blushing*
Taemint : ya ! r u trying to piss me off !?? n stops being over-gentleman here . it's DISGUSTING ! *stick out her tongue to Hyun*
Taemin : *pissed off too n also stick out his tongue*
Hyun : nahh~ just like u guys have never be too romantic in front of us . u lovebirds .... *hug u tighter n lay his head on ur shoulder*
u : *blushing more , u feel like going to heaven but then u come back to reality* ya , oppa ! u better let me go n help me with this dishes instead of harassing me ...!
Hyun : yah ! what do u mean by me , harassing u !??
(The almost-5-yrs-old couple start laughing non-stop)
Taemint : *look at u* ya , (ur name)-ah ! u know what .. Jjong had NEVER n will never .. EVER touch the dishes for his whole life ...
Taemin : haha ! Jonghyun-hyung ?? doing the dishes ???? HAHAHA maybe it's going to be dooms day !
Hyun : *ignoring the annoying yet sweet couple* let me help u , jagiya~ *suddenly takeover the dishes which suppose to be in ur hands just now n he brings the dishes to the sink - ready to be washed*
The Couple : *rolling eyes* mwo !!??? is that really Jonghyun ?????
Taemint : *look at u , who knows nothing n just continue cleaning* woahh ...... u must be special for him .... *smirks*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #28

u : (In Heart : woahh ........ this girl is way soooo pretty ! she looks like a model ! so tall ..... cute ... n ...) r u a model ??? (In Heart : okay ...... those words ... r just slipping away from my tongue ..! oh my gadd this is so embarrassing !!)
Taemint : *shocked , speechless n blushed* huhh ?? ani ! w--why did u ask that question ???
u : (In Heart : okay ...... i guess there's no turn back n the only one thing i could do is to answer her back ......) because u're so--
(Suddenly Taemin cut ur words while put his arm around (Taemint)'s shoulder)
Taemin : because she's so pretty ! am i right ?? *wink at u before look at the blushing (Taemint)*
u : (In Heart : okay ..... seems like Taemin already forgive me ............ i mean , right ???) err .......... yeah ! absolutely ! *smiles*
Taemint : urghh ! enough ! ya , (ur name)-ah ! kaja ! join us , we're going to have dinner together *winks before grab ur wrist n bring u to the dining table*
(Well .... of course the others also follow too ... n when u're abt to sit next to Minho *u were attracted to him XD* , suddenly Hyun pull ur arms , push u aside n take the seat which u're abt to sit just now)
u : Yaa ! *feel unsatisfied*
Hyun : *looked up at u -he already sits while u still standing next to him- with a smirk* what ??
(The others r looking at u)
u : i was supposed to sit 'there' ! *trying hard to bold the word 'there' n pointing at Hyun's chair*
Hyun : o waeirae~ ?? *u could see he tries to hide his smirk* there's an empty seat next to me~
u : *rolling eyes*
Taemint : aishh .. stops arguing ! Jjong ! it's not a normal thing when u act really no gentleman with a girl .... *smirks*
Hyun : aish .... shut up ! *look away*
u : *glance at Hyun , then ignore him n just sit next to him*
(Suddenly Hyun whisper at u)
Hyun : Taemin n (Taemint) r a couple , for almost 5 yrs ... n ... don ever try to get closer to Minho ! i'm warning u ... he already got a girlfriend but .. it's a long-distance lover~ but he loves her very much !
u : *suddenly ur face turn to be upset mimic as u feel disappointed* (In Heart : ahh~ he already got a girlfriend ...?? sh!t , luckily i'm not falling for him too much !)
Hyun : *see ur disappointed face n suddenly get his face really close to u as he is muttering something .....* well .... it's not like only Minho is the guy who exist in this world~ i'm also a guy n what's more important ....... i'm still single~ *suddenly get his mouth close to ur ear n u could feel his lips on ur earlobe* u can take me as ur boyfriend~
u : *shocked n turn ur face to him n ......... oppss ! accidentally ... 2nd kiss ! it's just for a second n u quickly start eating n acts like nothing happen*
Hyun : *shocked too but then smirks as he also starts eating without care abt (Taemint) n Taemin's rolled eyes*
(Minho is still with his blank face ....... seems like he got some problem .....)

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #27

(Previous Chap : u're stalking Hyun for the sake of the game but u were caught by two 'mysterious' guys !!!)
[:: Okay fine ...... since u guys can guess the 'mystery' guys , i guess i should just say it straight LOL XD]
Taemin : what do u mean my girlfriend is a 'SLUT' ?????
u : err ............ u-- ur girlfriend .........?? err .. mianhae ... i don know .... *scared*
Minho : oii Taemin-ah ! i don't think she mean that word .. she seems soo Innocent ! but if u know Jonghyun-hyungnim , how can u don't know both of us ??? *get closer to u*
u : w-- what ...........?? i-- (In Heart : dammit ........ he's so TALL !! my neck is going to get cramp for keep looking up at him ! n ......... he looks HOTTER when he get closer !!! i'm going to get crazy !!!)
Minho : u're one of Jonghyun-hyungnim's annoying stalker , right ?? so now , GET LOST
u : ehhh .........!! i'm not ! (In Heart : who is this guy !!??? he think who is him for chasing me from here !?? keep calling Hyun 'hyungnim' ......... wait ! i think the way he say 'Jonghyun-hyungnim' is familiar ! i think i heard his voice before ...... is he also SHINee memb--)
(Suddenly u heard a voice from the door Hyun just enter)
Hyun : oii Minho-ah ! Taemin-ah !! faster ! (Taemint) almost done cooking ! (ur name)-ah ! u can come in too !
Taemin n Minho : oo ................... huhh ?? who's (ur name) ??
u : (In Heart : oh my gadd ........ he knew i was following him !!! owhh then this must not be his house ! dammit !!!) err ............... *blushing*
Hyun : *suddenly walk towards u n ignore the puzzled Taemin n the ever-blank-face Minho* ya , palli kaja ! *grab ur hand n bring u into the condominium*
(before u get into the luxurious condo , u heard Taemin said something while Minho just follows with a curious face)
[In the Condominium]
(u see the girl who u called a 'slut' just now , greeting u properly)
Taemint : annyeong ! cheonen (Taemint)-imnida ... i'm 19 yrs old , well ... same as Taemin ~ *nodded towards Taemin*
(Taemin seems like get a bad first impression at u while Minho look at u with his cuteness -AEIGOOOO !!!!!- )
Taemint : how abt u ?? Jjong already tell me that u're coming !
u : *glared at Hyun with a blushed face* (In Heart : oh my gadd ! he knew it !! ahhh so embarrassing !!) err ......... cheonen (ur name)-imnida ... i'm 19 too ...
Taemint : woahh ! usually Jjong likes the older women ! *send Jjong a smirk*
Jjong : *quickly look other side n u think u got eyes problem cause u see he's blushing*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #26

[Place :--> In the cab , following (or clearer , STALKING) Hyun's car]
u : Ahjussi ! quickly ! follow that turquoise car , palli !! *points at Hyun's car as u get into the cab*
Ahjussi : huh ? oh dae .......!
u : i'll pay u TWICE if u successfully follow the car !
Ahjussi : *suddenly answer u , high-spirited* Dae ! Agassi ! *drive the cab n follows the car*
(u find that Hyun's driving ... like usual . not trying to escape or whatever~)
u : (In Heart : hahaha he seems like already forgot too abt the game~ means i got the chance ! YAHOOOO !!!) *full of joys*
---After abt 30 minutes---
Ahjussi : Agassi ! the car already stop .. *smile widely*
u : ahh~ *feel happy , look outside , at a luxurious condominium for awhile before look back at the taxi driver* Olma aeyo , ahjussi ??
Ahjussi : it's suppose to be 30 Dollars but ................................
u : take this ! *give the taxi driver a bunch of money without count them* kamsahmnida , Ahjussi ! *quickly get out from the cab n chase Hyun*
Ahjussi : dae .... kamsahmnida , Agassi--....... *delighted but then his smile faded away when count the money that u gave ........* Agassi !!! u just gave me 20 Dolars !!! ya Agassi !!
u : *didn't hear the taxi driver n just chase Hyun*
(u see Hyun is going to take the elevator so u quickly use the stairs , but stops at every floor to check which floor Hyun is going to ..... u keep running until u stop at ................................................................... 20th floor ........)
u : (In Heart : great .. I hope my efforts to climb the stairs up to 20th level will receive a fee that pays off .................) *u follow Hyun quietly n keep making jokes to urself , really slow* am i look like Sherlock's investigating partner ??? *giggles n then stops n hide when u see Hyun stops in front of a door* seems like i found his home~
(Hyun's press the bell button before a .......... girl open the door)
u : *feels uneasy n talking to urself when u see Hyun get in* who's that girl !?? a slut ?? one of his girlfriend ??
(Suddenly u heard a cold voice ...... okay , maybe TWO voices right behind u)
1st Voice : Jjong's new stalker ??
2nd Voice : what the h*ll u said MY girlfriend is a SLUT ?????
u : *shocked n quickly look behind u n see .... a tall guy with black hair , damn , he got muscles ! with his blank n tired face ... n next to him is a ... shorter than the 1st guy , cute with his blonde hair ... but his cuteness was covered by a fierce mimic* err ................. u guys r ..........................?? *blank face*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #25

---In the Previous Moment , u lose ur first kiss to Jonghyun unintentionally---
(Then u guys had a tense situation , where both of u stare in each others' eyes , having shocked before quickly break the kiss)
u : (In Heart : great . just act like nothing ever happened !) i bet u must have forgot the way to my apartment ! just drive straight until we meet the junction n then turn left ! (In Heart : great ! i'm not stuttering but i spoke too fast !! he must know that i'm nervous !!!)
Hyun : (In Heart : okay ... honestly , its completely NOT MY FAULT ! even me also shocked too ! but ... what the h*ll was happened to me ??? i used to kiss many girls before , but why this time ..... great , god still loves me for making tonight is darker that other nights so that she wouldn't see me BLUSHING !! dammit ... n i found out that she got a same habits like me , talking really fast when nervous :p ) dae ... drive straight n turn right , right ?? *full of confidence*
u : i said ....... turn LEFT !
Hyun : dae ! dae ! Mianhamnida ! (In Heart : urgghh !! stops being the stupid dumbass in front of girl , Kim Jonghyun ! ur the Kingka of Player ! while she is just a ....... dumped innocent girl ... okay maybe i was too mean ..)
(Finally the car stops exactly in front of the building of ur apartment)
u : hmm ....... bye , oppa ! *quickly walk away without hear Hyun's saying "goodbye" too)
_________5TH DAY - FINDING HYUN's HOUSE MISSION_________
(After the Vocal Class -a guy called Lee Jinki a.k.a Onew-oppa who seems like SHINee's member too , be ur temporary vocal coach , after asked by Hyun since the chimera already FIRED-)
Onew : woaa ....... u got a beautiful angelic voice ! *smile* keep it up ! u might have beat SNSD's Taeyeon , haha !
(Suddenly a cute 20+ girl come closer)
The girl : anyone mention me ??? who's going to defeat ME ?????
Onew : aeigoo Taeyeon-ah ......... *feel guilty* well , i just giving my opinion ! she MAYBE can beat u if she keeps hardworking !
Taeyeon : *look at u for awhile before smile* u r so cute ! how old r u ?? what's ur name ?? aren't u interested in joining us , Girls Generation ??? *winks*
u : err ........ huhh ??? *dumbfounded* (In Heart : gosh ...... she's so friendly ! n gorgeous too !)
Taeyeon : ohh come on ! just say it if u r interested n i can introduce u to SME's president *giggles*
Hyun : oii Taeyon-ah ! stops teasing her !
Taeyeon : eehhh .....!! who said i'm teasing her !?? *mehrong , giggles again n walk away*
Onew : uhh ......... yaa ! i'm gonna follow u ! i need to talk abt the concert (blah 3x) *follows Taeyeon , leaving u n Hyun)
Hyun : hmm ........... i'm going home now .. see u tomorrow ~ *smiles awkwardly n walk away with his car key n what so ever he used to wear to disguise*
u : ohh dae ..... *be quiet n packing ur things slowly before suddenly ur eyes rolling* HOME !?? oh man ..... i almost forgot abt the game .......!

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #24

(On The Way Going Home)
u : *still looking at ur new phone -ur old phone was thrown away by Hyun-*
Hyun : *while driving* ya , (ur name)-ah ! stop looking at that phone ! the phone is going to be melt !
u : *look at Hyun with a wide smile -maybe the widest smile u ever make-* hehe~ ya kamsahmnida , oppa ! jeongmal kamsahmnida !
Hyun : *smirks* nae~ for what ?
u : this~ *show him the phone* but i still don't know why did u give me ......... 'this' .... *lift ur eyebrow while looking at him with a blur face*
Hyun : because i love u *look at u with a serious mimic*
u : *shocked n blushed -well ... Hyun doesn't see ur blushed face since it was late at night-* what ? how much percentage of ur love is for me ?? *smirks*
Hyun : *trying to hide his smirk -actually he doesn't need to hide them cause u can't see the smirk due to the darkness-* 10 percent for u !
u : *puzzled* then the rest 90 percent is for ..............??
Hyun : 10 percent is for Jane ... 10 percent for Key ... 10 percent for Shin Sekyung .. 10 percent for ................... OUCHHHH (UR NAME)-AH !! THAT'S HURT ME A LOT !!!! STOPP !!!!!! I'M JUST KIDDING !!! *eyes welling , holding the pain*
u : serve u right ! *mehrong n the tears burst from ur eyes too because laughing too hard* revenge ....................... paid off~! *winks* that's what u get for throwing my phone without my permission ! aeigoo i should at least sell the phone back INSTEAD OF throwing it away !
Hyun : but u don't have to pinch my cheek that hard !! *eyes welling while hand keep stroking his swollen cheek*
u : HAHAHA !!! Lalalalalala~~ *follows Nu ABO by f(x)'s melody* HAHAHAHA !!
Hyun : YAA !! Stop laughing !
u : uhh .... m-- mianhae .......... i-- i can't stop ! HAHAA !!
Hyun : *be quiet n sigh -sulking-*
u : *u find he's cute when sulking* aeigooo~~~ my boy is sulking~! aeigoo u're so cute ! let me persuade u , okay ?? haha ! *strokes his cheek softly while he's still driving*
Hyun : *make a malicious smile when u stroke his cheek* ya , (ur name)-ah~ *the car stops when the traffic lights turn to red* only stroking my cheek will not throwing away my pain ! look , my cheek is still red !
u : eehhhhhhh ~~~!! so pampered ! so ... what i've to do to make ur pain gone ?? i need to bring u to the hospital ??? need an operation ??? *cynical tone*
Hyun : ani ~! it's Easier than go to the hospital or have an operation ! it's WAY easier than eating the cotton candy ! *winks*
u : *puzzled n lift ur brow again* mianhamnida oppa~ but i don't get it~~ what is it ??? just say it straight !
Hyun : kiss me on the spot u pinched just now *evil eyes -surprisingly , really match with his innocent smile-*
u : *rolling eyes* huhhhhh ???????? *dumbfounded*
Hyun : come on ! while the traffic light is still red ! faster~ faster~
u : *hesitates n come closer to his cheek , slowly* (In Heart : okay .... (ur name)~ it's just on the cheek~ u can do this !)
Hyun : (In Heart : owhh come on , (ur name) ! faster ! the light is going to go green !! faster ! owhhhh GREAT !! the light is now GREEN ! what the hell (ur name)'s doing !!???) *turn his face towards u n ..............*
u : *shocked* (In Heart : great . MY FIRST KISS , U BIT*H !!!!!) [:: the word bit*h was not refer to Jonghyun kay !]

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #23

(In the Rest Room Of the Store)
Jane : Jjong-ah ! Answer my question as honest as u could be ......!
Jjong : *seems like not interested* What ~~??
Jane : ya JJONG-AH !! listen to me !
Jjong : dae~ dae~ dae~ u're lucky since u can scold me whatever u want just because this rest room got sound proof system~ now , what do u want to ask me ?? faster ! i'm so tired~
Jane : Aishh !! u know u're tired so why did u still hanging around with that girl !??
Jjong : hmm ... because-- ........................
Jane : stop ! now , answer my question ! Who . Is . She ???
Jjong : like i said before~ she my girlf--
Jane : ur girlfriend ??? u mean , ur 10th girlfriend ?? or maybe 21st ??? Jjong-ah .... please stops acting like this ...! u will hurt her ! i can see she's a nice girl ... a nice girl like her shouldn't be hurt ... i know i was no one for u but--
Jjong : Jane ! i already assume u like my own unnie ! don ever say u were no one !
Jane : then , listen to me ! leave her ! she mustn't be hurt !
Jjong : i .... *talking slowly* i'm not going to hurt her ........
Jane : i know u wont ..... but how abt Madam ??
Jjong : *stay quiet*
Jane : i worked for her like ......... 5 years , Jjong-ah ... i know her very well n don think i don know what she had done to ur previous girlfriends ....... do u love her , Jjong-ah ??
Jjong : i ......
Jane : Be . Honest !
Jjong : i just know her like a week ... i'm not sure abt it .......
Jane : *smiles* wanna know how to make u sure abt ur feelings ? i wanna give u some advice .. imagine (ur name) n Madam were drown in the river . n u just can save one of them ... which one u're going to save ??
Jjong : that sounds really cheesy !
Jane : *laugh* well~ i believe sometimes u'll use my advice ! *winks* wanna bet ?? how abt ur car ?? *smirks*
Jjong : No . Way ! i'm going to get (ur name) ! *mehrong n quickly leave the rest room , followed by Jane)
(In the Store)
u : Hyun-oppa ! isn't this beautiful ? *smile widely while showing him a phone strap made of diamonds , forming the Cupid*
Hyun : yea , that's beautiful !
Key : i was surprised that she got really high taste , haha !
Jane : hey ! u're here , Key ! Annyeong ~
Key : annyeong unnie !
u : *look at Hyun* i spent abt 15 minutes looking for the best phone strap ! all of them r so beautiful !
Jane : of course ! all of them were design by the famous designer ! want me to show u more accessories ?? i'm quiet sure u'll have a hard time choosing ! kaja ! *suddenly grab ur wrist n bring u to the stuffs store*
u : huhh ?? *follows Jane* (In Heart : why is she suddenly be this nice at me ???)
Key : *whisper to Hyun : ya ... what's wrong with Jane ?? i don think she ever be nice to ur previous girlfriends ??
Hyun : none of ur business ! *mehrong*
Key : YAA !

Tuesday 15 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #22

u : ohh dae ........... *looked down before walk around the store , looking for whatever u like* (in heart : why Jane seems like doesn't like me ??? ahh~ she must be one of Hyun's ex or maybe still girlfriend ! but wait ! if she's his girlfriend , why did he introduce me as his girlfriend ?? n i think Jane once said just now ..... "more like his sister" ... so why she seems hate me ? urgghh !! just forget abt it !)
(Suddenly u heard a voice n when u look behind u , u see a guy -cute guy , i mean-)
u : (in heart : is he one of the staffs here ?? but he seems too good-looking to be a staff ! maybe he's a celebrity ...? wait , why is he seems really familiar ???)
The guy : annyeong ! r u Hyun's girlfriend ?? aeigoo he's still like that~!
u : o ? err ...... u r .............??
The guy : hmm ?? Oh . Ma . Gadd ...... u don know me !??
u : *feels annoying with the guy's diva style (:: yes ! that's it ! "DIVA" XD ) * err ..... i think i saw u a few times before but ......... *suddenly u remember that u always see that guy with Hyun before* Ahh~! u're Key , right ? *lift one of ur brows*
Key : "Ahh~! u're Key , right ?" *suddenly imitates u* that's it !?? no fangirling or giggles ........ or even shocked !??
u : err ............. i--
Key : aeigoo ....... where in the world have u living for ur whole life !?? oh ma gadd .... i still can't believe there's a girl in this cruel world who didn't know me ...
u : u sure a Drama King .......... right ?? *feels annoying*
Key : haha ! relax ! i'm just kidding ! don't take it serious~ well .... let me introduce myself more proper ! i'm Kim Kibum but people used to call me 'Key' .. not car key or master key ! it's Key ! K.E.Y--
u : yea ! yea ! *nodded many times* i know ! u're Key !
Key : great . but sometimes people call me as Almighty Key due to my triple threat in dancing , rapping n singing *winks* but it's kinda uncomfortable for u to call me that name .. so , just call me Key ! some people always talking abt me , n Jjong .. they said we're a couple ....................
u : *rolling eyes n make a gross mimic*
Key : *suddenly look in ur eyes sharply* but NEVER believe that ! we're pure guy ! u're dead if u believe that ......... *send u a death glare*
u : erk ...... *frozen* i don't believe it !
Key : good girl ! i just like omma to all SHINee's members-- ......
u : stop ! u're talking really fast ! u don have to tell me too detail !
Key : hehe ... so .. what r u looking for ??
u : hmm ....... Hyun-oppa asked me to look for some accessories for my new phone ... but i really don't know what to---
Key : iPhone ? let me help u ! i know much things abt iPhone ! here !
u : o ? o dae ............ *follows Key n suddenly a question appear in ur mind , ready to get the answer* err .... Key .................
Key : call me 'Key-oppa' *winks*
u : o ... Key-oppa ...... who is Jane ..........??
Key : ahh .... Jane ! why did u ask abt her ??
u : err .... i think she seems like hate me ................ *hesitates*
(n Key gives u the answer ~~~ the more u talk with Key , u find that Key is a very talkative yet friendly guy that u can take him as a friend)

Friday 11 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #21

u : DAE !?? err ......... hehe ..... oppa ............. don't need to do that .... i really don't need that phone ... my phone is still fine , oppa ..
Hyun : andwae ! jeongmal andwae ! okay , listen .. *hold ur shoulders n look deep in ur eyes* if the phone is a present from anyone ..... would u accept it ??
u : w-- what ......?
Hyun : ani ! just answer my question ! will u accept the phone as a present ??? as a gift ??
u : err ....... dae ..... of course i have to accept it if it is a present ... but oppa , this phone is just a present because i was lucky--
Hyun : *laugh softly* do u really think u got the phone n have dinner for free because u ARE lucky ???
u : err ........ the lady at the restaurant said i was the 100 000th customer--
Hyun : n u believe that ??? unbelievable ! *roll eyes*
u : so what ??? or maybe u trying to say the lady was cheating ?? for what ???
Hyun : for $100~
u : huhh ?? what ?? *puzzled*
Hyun : i said to her that i'll pay her $100 if she said things abt eat for free n all abt the phone stuff . I Am the one who treat the dinner n give u the phone . is it clear ?? now , palli kaja ! lets get in n choose any accessories u like ! it's on me~ *winks n pull ur hand into the store*
u : *frozen while ur mind is going blank so u just let him bring u into the store*
(In the Apple Store)
Hyun : annyeong Jane ! pangapseupnida ! (:: nice to meet u) oraenmanine ! (:: "it's been a long time")
(u see a lady who was called Jane -seems like she's a staff of the store- is arranging some stuffs in the shelf that was made of glasses)
Jane : ohh annyeong Jjong ! aeigooo u know it's been a long time ! i thought u already forget abt me ! since u be a celebrity-- *suddenly she be quiet as her eyeballs go straight at u n she looks sharply from ur legs til ur hair while talk with the coldest voice she could do* who is she ??
u : *be startled* ohh ! annyeong ! cheonen (ur name)-imnida ! i am Hyun's frien--
Hyun : *suddenly make a back hug sweetly* she's my yeobo ! isn't she nice ?? *smile widely*
u : daee--- ......!??
(suddenly he kiss ur cheek that makes u frozen n he whisper , exactly at ur ears ...)
Hyun : ....... shh ... please ... just shut up or else ................
u : *shocked n look at Jane back* err ...... d--dae ! i'm his girlfriend ! u r .......? *stretch out ur hand to shake with her*
Jane : *with a serious mimic , shake hands with u* i'm Jane .. his friend . more like his sister ..
u : ohh .... pangapseupnida , unnie-- .......!
Jane : *ignores u n look at Hyun* Jjong-ah , here . i need to talk with u abt something *walk away*
Hyun : oo dae~ *make an innocent face n before he follows Jane , he whisper at u* u look first if there r anything u like here .. i'll be back soon~ *winks n walk away*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #20

Hyun : ya (UR NAME)-AH !! COME BACK HERE OR ELSE ..............!
... (u still could hear his shout even though the cab already starts moving)
u : geez ........ this guy .................. first , he suddenly mad at me without any reason ... 2nd , he laughing at me non stop ! n now , blaming me for leaving him ... i mean , who care !?? *nagging at urself*
Driver : err ....... agassi .................??
u : ohh ..... ahjussi ! drive to (u give him ur apartment's address) ! n drive Faster !
Driver : err ............ not that what i mean .. agassi ............ *feels hesitates*
u : o ? then what ?? *puzzled*
Driver : err ........ the guy in that turquoise sport car ... *point outside the window* keep shouting at me to stop ...... what i've to do .........?? i confused now ...
u : *looking at the car which is exactly next to te cab*
Hyun : YAA !!! I TOLD U TO STOP , like NOWW !!!
u : oh ma gadd ......... that's embarrassing !! err .... ahjussi ....... i think u better just stop now ... u can leave me at the street .........
Driver : ohh dae ......
(then , there u r~ at the street with unbearable ashamed)
Hyun : *stops the car n open the car window* get in !
u : No . Way !
Hyun : I said Get In !
u : I said No Way !
(suddenly Hyun get out from the car , walk to u n .......)
u : YA !! WTH R U DOING !!???? PUT ME DOWN !! like NOWW !!!
Hyun : that's a payback for not obey me *carry u bridal-style n get u into the car before he also get in n drive away*
u : ya , where r u going to take me ???
Hyun : don u realize it ??
u : what ?? *then u noticed the car stops in front of a luxurious gadget store* what r u--...........
Hyun : u said u don know much abt iPhone , right ? so let us buy some accesories for ur iPhone n i'm gonna teach u how to use it .. is it clear ? kaja ! *winks n get out from the car*

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #19

u : *shocked* DAE !!?? u mean ...... all of this .............. FOR FREE ???
... Waitress : dae ! *nodded politely* chukae agassi ! n hope u'll come here again next time .. kamsahmnida ! please come again !
u : oo ........ *still amazed* (in heart : wow ! so lucky i have today !!) *walk away to the car while talking slowly to urself* this phone is way more expensive than mine !
Hyun : yaa ~!! palli , (ur name)-ah ! what r u doing !??
u : *shocked n look at him* Hyun-oppa ! i just can't believe how lucky i was today ! look ! i 'treat' u to dinner at this 6 stars restaurant for Free ......! n i also get this phone as a present ! this phone must be really expensive ! *show him the phone*
Hyun : *take n look at the phone (u think u see a smirk at his face for a second but then u think its just a smile)* woah .... it's an iPhone , u know ! the latest n newest one !
u : hmm ........ but i think i don need that .......... *thinking hardly*
Hyun : *shocked n get mad* YAA !! the thing that u don need is this ! *suddenly grab ur handbag n pull out an old phone* this phone got no camera application , wireless connection or even games !!
u : *shocked n feel weird before u grab ur phone from Hyun back* ya waeirae ~!?? this is my phone ! nothing to do with u ! *mehrong* plus ..... i ....... *suddenly looked down n blushing*
Hyun : *actually feel mad but then cool down when see u're blushing* (in heart : dammit ... she's cute !) ya , waeirae~?
u : err ...... *talking slowly* i don know much thing abt iPhone ...... well .. i never have one before ...............
Hyun : *hold his laugh* pftt .....!
u : YA ! u laugh !?? *hit him while ur face become redder*
Hyun : BHAHAHA !!! mi ..... mianhae .................. BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!
(but he laughing non-stop)
u : dae ....... gwaenchana ~ continue laughing while i'm leaving u ! *walk away*
Hyun : *shocked n finally stops laughing* ya ! (ur name)-ah~! omo just kidding ! don't take it serious ... (ur name)-ah !
(but u just walk away as u were really pissed off n u take a cab , leaving a panic Hyun)

Monday 7 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #18

U spent with Hyun like the whole day at the Water World (of course only Hyun is enjoying) n now , at 8.30 PM , time to eat~~
... (At Avenue Restaurant)
Hyun : *with full mouth* ya , miss ! i wanna order more ! ermm .......... chicken chop n ........... Americano please !
Waitress : *smile* dae ! *quickly run to the kitchen*
u : *shocked* (in heart : oh ma gadd ...... when he's going to stop ordering !!!????? my purse ......) *almost crying* err ....... Hyun-oppa .........
Hyun : o ? *still eating*
u : err ....... actually ... my salaryy-----
Hyun : wait a minute ... FASTER MISS !!! I'M STARVING ! N BRING ME SOME DESSERT TOO ! mianhae .. what r u saying just now ? *look at u back*
u : err ....... m- my salary is almos--
Hyun : AEIGOO ! my stomach is hurting ! i better go to the washroom now !
u : ww-- what .............?? *panic when see Hyun walk away , straight to the washroom*
(After 10 Minutes)
Hyun : uhh ......... mianhae ............... i bet i ate too much just now ... so i believe it's time for u to pay the bill , right ? *smile innocently*
u : w-- what ...............? err .... hehe ... *make a fake smile* y-- yea .. sure ....!
Hyun : *smile wider* hmmm i think i'll just wait outside at the car ! don't take too much time okay ? *winks n walk out from the restaurant*
u : err ..... yea ... sure .....!
(once he disappear , u quickly walk at the cashier to pay)
u : err .... miss .. how much is-- ..................
Waitress : ohh .. which table did u sit , miss ?
u : *point at a table* Table 33 ..
Waitress : ohh yea ! such a lucky day u have ! u're the 100 000th customer in our restaurant so u could eat here for free ! also , this is a gift for u ! *give u an expensive n latest iPhone*

hmm bet u guys know what actually happen ? ;)

Sunday 6 May 2012

Need Attention !!!!!

I'm Admin Almighty Keycifer (Lady PINK in blog)
want to tell that i have renewed my blog so there was only a few follower and viewer
so i need help, please follow me and visit my blog, do leave comment there
i will be friendly to every one who visit,follow and comment on my blog

Here my blog ->
- click every LIKE button that you see on my blog
- COMMENT at the chitty chatty with Lady PINK
- enjoy every song i give
- read my entry deeply hehe...

THAT's All ^^

Friday 4 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #17


(At A Poor Food Stall)
u : err ..... Hyun-oppa ...........
Hyun : o ?
u : g--gwaenchana ...?
Hyun : *with mouth full of ramen* wae ?? y did u ath me tat quesion (y did u ask me that question) ?? *he can't speak it clearly due to full-mouthed*
u : err ..... i couldn't treat u to a better lunch .. cause i need to save my money for this month ...... mianhae !
(u look at him , with cap , black-framed of glases n jacket - disguising)
Hyun : oo .... *finally he successfully swallows the ramen in his mouth* gwaenchana ! this ramen is sooooooooo delicious ! i never eat this kind of food before !
u : *rolling eyes* dae !?? u mean , u NEVER eat ramen ?? in ur whole life ??? ohh my gadd u must be kidding !
Hyun : *nodded* i mean , i used to eat luxurious food like spaghetti ... pizzas ... chicken chop .... i mean , western food ~
u : woahh u must've living like a prince , am i right ?? ur appa n umma must love u very much ! unlike me-- ........
Hyun : ya , wait . i think i lost something with me .... my phone ! in the car ! i'm going to get it .. u go pay the bill , i'll just wait at the car .. *suddenly stands up n walk away*
u : oo ? dae ... *Hyun didn't hear cause he already out from the door so u quickly pay the bill* how much , ahjussi ??
Ahjussi : 2600 Won , miss ..
u : DAE !!??? that much !?? u gotta kidding me .....!
Ahjussi : well ... ur boyfriend ate 9 bowl of ramen n 12 glass of ---
u : urgghhhh ......... he's not my boyfriend ! ......... gwaenchana ! i'll just pay it off ! *hesitates to take out the precious pieces from ur purse n finally ...*
Ahjussi : dae kamsahmnida ! please come again later *smile widely*
u : *walk out from the stall with an unbelievable face* oh my gadd ........ that guy is such a monster ! how can he eat NINE bowl of ramen in one treat !!??? *u get in the car with Hyun quietly* (in heart : it's okay ... i just have to save more next time ... i just spent a quarter of this month's salary ...)
Hyun : YAYY !!! it's time to have some fun ! let's go to the WATER WORLD !!!
u : *feel uneasy* oppa ...... who's going to pay ----
Hyun : u of course ! n for dinner , we're going to eat at the Avenue Restaurant !!
u : *rolling eyes* (in heart : AVENUE RESTAURANT !!!???? isn't it a 6 stars restaurant !?? i must've spend all my salary !!!)

but there's nothing to do instead of cry in heart n hear Hyun's shout ...........

Thursday 3 May 2012



I'am Press Conference

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #16


u : *shocked when heard Mera* what ? i'm not a slut !
Mera : so what r u ?? staying with a guy early in the morning ..... u must have sleep with him for the whole night , right ?
Mera : *shocked when u SLAPPED her* HOW DARE U !!? U'RE A SLU--
u : stop-- *u're abt to slap her again*
(suddenly a hand hold n stops u , then u look back)
Hyun : i think it's quiet improper for a teacher to mess up with what student is doing ... n Rude for a teacher to insult n accusing student without any proof ... isn't it ...?
Mera : *speechless n scared when heard Hyun's evil voice ... match with his evil smile - she's starting to shiver*
Hyun : u may get fired because of this .... Mrs Chi ...
Mera : err ..... i .. i'm not--
(suddenly all of u look at the class door when heard a voice)
Voice : Mrs Chi ! i heard every thing n i wanna meet u in my room ..... NOW ! *walk away*
Hyun : oppss~ it's the principle~ good luck chimera~ *winks with a serve-u-right's look*
Mera : *dumbfounded n give Hyun a death glare before walk away - to the principle's room*
u : oh ma-- what ......? *look at Hyun's smirk* r u planning all of this ...?? be honest , 'Oppa' !
Hyun : *look at u with a wide smile* i should have been rewarded for this~ how abt a treat for dinner ??
u : oh my goodness ..... OPPA ! she may have been fired ! n who else would teach me after this ???
Hyun : nahh~ u're too kindhearted , jagiya~ beware ... u might have been killed by the chimera ! *give u a naughty winks* but before u were killed , i'm going to 'eat' u first ! AUM ! *acts like a tiger - actually , more like a cute cub*
u : *stay quiet n give him a death glare*
Hyun : aeigoo ~~!! my cute saengie~ (u r younger 2 yrs than him) jagiya gwaechana~ the principle is very-very kindhearted ! he must have give u another teacher which is nicer ! no , i mean ... he WILL give u *winks n suddenly grabs ur shoulders* kaja ! treat me ! treat me ! treat me !
u : what !? i thought u say 'dinner' just now ! it's just 2PM right now ! [::there's nothing to do with 2PM the boy band in this story !]
Hyun : bwoh ? 2PM ? well ... let's go another place before dinner~ maybe u should treat me for lunch too ? then dinner at night~ kaja !
u : dae !? bu-- but class .....
Hyun : gwaenchana ! kaja !
u : but i've skipped a class yesterday ! i can't get used skipping the class ...
(but Hyun ignores u n just pulling ur hand to his car)

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #15


Mr Kim : okay .... follow me . Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh~~
u : Aaahhhhhhhhh~~
Mr Kim : andwae . u must hold ur breath longer . one more time . Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh~~
u : *take a deep breath* Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh-- uhuk ! uhuk ! *cough*
Mr Kim : andwae ! u might broke ur throat ! ur breath must be clean ! again ! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~
u : *start to feel a bit annoying* Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh~~ (in heart : yes ! this time must be good !)
Mr Kim : *suddenly get closer to ur face* 'this time must be good' ... isn't that in ur mind right now , Lady (ur name) ??
u : err ....... (in heart : omg .... how did he knows !???)
Mr Kim : ómg ! how did i know !???' isn't it ??? *smirks*
Mr Kim : hehe~ well~ *still smirking*
u : *feels more annoying when he's smirking* YAAA !! stop smirking ! *starts hitting him hardly as u can*
Mr Kim : haha ! okay ! okay ! hey stop ! u hurt me ! *suddenly hold ur hands n u're getting frozen*
u : ya ....... waeiraee ~!? let me go ! *struggling to escape*
(he gets his face closer to ur face that make ur heart racing faster n faster)
Mr Kim : *whisper at ur ear (his lips touched ur earlobe a bit due to a very close distance)* next time , learn how to control ur face cause all things in ur mind was written clearly on ur face ......... *then stands up n acts like nothing happen* hmm u're doing great today ... meet u in the vocal class tomorrow~ *smiles n leave u with ur empty mind*
u : *after abt 10 secs Mr Kim go* ww--- what was that .......? *touch ur earlobe softly n blushing*
________________4TH DAY - FINDING HYUN'S HOME_______________
[PLACE : Vocal Class]
u : *take a deep breath* Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh~~
Mera : one more time ...
u : Aaaahhhhhhhhhh~~
Mera : hmm ..... such a surprise that u could improve that much ... *seems doesn't like it* hmm ..... (ur name) !
u : err ...... yea ....?
Mera : who's Hyun ???
u : ww---- wae ???
Mera : last day .... he called me ... huh ! he's ur new boyfriend ?? i thought u're here for a vocal class ? woww from a dumb girl to a slut ! such a good improvement !