Monday 7 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #18

U spent with Hyun like the whole day at the Water World (of course only Hyun is enjoying) n now , at 8.30 PM , time to eat~~
... (At Avenue Restaurant)
Hyun : *with full mouth* ya , miss ! i wanna order more ! ermm .......... chicken chop n ........... Americano please !
Waitress : *smile* dae ! *quickly run to the kitchen*
u : *shocked* (in heart : oh ma gadd ...... when he's going to stop ordering !!!????? my purse ......) *almost crying* err ....... Hyun-oppa .........
Hyun : o ? *still eating*
u : err ....... actually ... my salaryy-----
Hyun : wait a minute ... FASTER MISS !!! I'M STARVING ! N BRING ME SOME DESSERT TOO ! mianhae .. what r u saying just now ? *look at u back*
u : err ....... m- my salary is almos--
Hyun : AEIGOO ! my stomach is hurting ! i better go to the washroom now !
u : ww-- what .............?? *panic when see Hyun walk away , straight to the washroom*
(After 10 Minutes)
Hyun : uhh ......... mianhae ............... i bet i ate too much just now ... so i believe it's time for u to pay the bill , right ? *smile innocently*
u : w-- what ...............? err .... hehe ... *make a fake smile* y-- yea .. sure ....!
Hyun : *smile wider* hmmm i think i'll just wait outside at the car ! don't take too much time okay ? *winks n walk out from the restaurant*
u : err ..... yea ... sure .....!
(once he disappear , u quickly walk at the cashier to pay)
u : err .... miss .. how much is-- ..................
Waitress : ohh .. which table did u sit , miss ?
u : *point at a table* Table 33 ..
Waitress : ohh yea ! such a lucky day u have ! u're the 100 000th customer in our restaurant so u could eat here for free ! also , this is a gift for u ! *give u an expensive n latest iPhone*

hmm bet u guys know what actually happen ? ;)

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