Thursday 3 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #16


u : *shocked when heard Mera* what ? i'm not a slut !
Mera : so what r u ?? staying with a guy early in the morning ..... u must have sleep with him for the whole night , right ?
Mera : *shocked when u SLAPPED her* HOW DARE U !!? U'RE A SLU--
u : stop-- *u're abt to slap her again*
(suddenly a hand hold n stops u , then u look back)
Hyun : i think it's quiet improper for a teacher to mess up with what student is doing ... n Rude for a teacher to insult n accusing student without any proof ... isn't it ...?
Mera : *speechless n scared when heard Hyun's evil voice ... match with his evil smile - she's starting to shiver*
Hyun : u may get fired because of this .... Mrs Chi ...
Mera : err ..... i .. i'm not--
(suddenly all of u look at the class door when heard a voice)
Voice : Mrs Chi ! i heard every thing n i wanna meet u in my room ..... NOW ! *walk away*
Hyun : oppss~ it's the principle~ good luck chimera~ *winks with a serve-u-right's look*
Mera : *dumbfounded n give Hyun a death glare before walk away - to the principle's room*
u : oh ma-- what ......? *look at Hyun's smirk* r u planning all of this ...?? be honest , 'Oppa' !
Hyun : *look at u with a wide smile* i should have been rewarded for this~ how abt a treat for dinner ??
u : oh my goodness ..... OPPA ! she may have been fired ! n who else would teach me after this ???
Hyun : nahh~ u're too kindhearted , jagiya~ beware ... u might have been killed by the chimera ! *give u a naughty winks* but before u were killed , i'm going to 'eat' u first ! AUM ! *acts like a tiger - actually , more like a cute cub*
u : *stay quiet n give him a death glare*
Hyun : aeigoo ~~!! my cute saengie~ (u r younger 2 yrs than him) jagiya gwaechana~ the principle is very-very kindhearted ! he must have give u another teacher which is nicer ! no , i mean ... he WILL give u *winks n suddenly grabs ur shoulders* kaja ! treat me ! treat me ! treat me !
u : what !? i thought u say 'dinner' just now ! it's just 2PM right now ! [::there's nothing to do with 2PM the boy band in this story !]
Hyun : bwoh ? 2PM ? well ... let's go another place before dinner~ maybe u should treat me for lunch too ? then dinner at night~ kaja !
u : dae !? bu-- but class .....
Hyun : gwaenchana ! kaja !
u : but i've skipped a class yesterday ! i can't get used skipping the class ...
(but Hyun ignores u n just pulling ur hand to his car)

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