Thursday 3 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #15


Mr Kim : okay .... follow me . Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh~~
u : Aaahhhhhhhhh~~
Mr Kim : andwae . u must hold ur breath longer . one more time . Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh~~
u : *take a deep breath* Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh-- uhuk ! uhuk ! *cough*
Mr Kim : andwae ! u might broke ur throat ! ur breath must be clean ! again ! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~
u : *start to feel a bit annoying* Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh~~ (in heart : yes ! this time must be good !)
Mr Kim : *suddenly get closer to ur face* 'this time must be good' ... isn't that in ur mind right now , Lady (ur name) ??
u : err ....... (in heart : omg .... how did he knows !???)
Mr Kim : ómg ! how did i know !???' isn't it ??? *smirks*
Mr Kim : hehe~ well~ *still smirking*
u : *feels more annoying when he's smirking* YAAA !! stop smirking ! *starts hitting him hardly as u can*
Mr Kim : haha ! okay ! okay ! hey stop ! u hurt me ! *suddenly hold ur hands n u're getting frozen*
u : ya ....... waeiraee ~!? let me go ! *struggling to escape*
(he gets his face closer to ur face that make ur heart racing faster n faster)
Mr Kim : *whisper at ur ear (his lips touched ur earlobe a bit due to a very close distance)* next time , learn how to control ur face cause all things in ur mind was written clearly on ur face ......... *then stands up n acts like nothing happen* hmm u're doing great today ... meet u in the vocal class tomorrow~ *smiles n leave u with ur empty mind*
u : *after abt 10 secs Mr Kim go* ww--- what was that .......? *touch ur earlobe softly n blushing*
________________4TH DAY - FINDING HYUN'S HOME_______________
[PLACE : Vocal Class]
u : *take a deep breath* Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh~~
Mera : one more time ...
u : Aaaahhhhhhhhhh~~
Mera : hmm ..... such a surprise that u could improve that much ... *seems doesn't like it* hmm ..... (ur name) !
u : err ...... yea ....?
Mera : who's Hyun ???
u : ww---- wae ???
Mera : last day .... he called me ... huh ! he's ur new boyfriend ?? i thought u're here for a vocal class ? woww from a dumb girl to a slut ! such a good improvement !

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