Sunday 27 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #33

[Previous Chappie --> Jonghyun was hurt when he's trying to clean up the broken glasses so u help him n now he is offering u a kiss if u're successfully lift him to the living room]

u : andwae !
Hyun : aishh waeirae ~??? *makes an aeigyo face*
u : *look at other side to avoid his aeigyo* it's YOU who will be happy with the 'gift' ! not me , right !??
Hyun : *be quiet for awhile before smile to tease u* hmm ....... dae , u're right~ but , r u seriously don't want a kiss from me ??? awwhh come on , jagiya~ i can see right through u~
u : stop calling me 'jagiya' , please . i'm not ur girlfriend at all ! u never ask me to be ur girlfriend n i never agree although u did ! *pouts*
Hyun : aeigoo ........ then why did u just keep silent when i introduce u as my girlfriend to people before ?? *giggling*
u : err ....... it-- it's because ....... *stutter*
Hyun : hmm ?? wae ~? wae ~? *starts to smirk*
u : *hesitates* it's because .... i don't wanna put a shame on u ! if i said i'm not ur girlfriend , people will think that it's only u r chasing for me ! well ... it must have spoil ur image as the King of Player ~! *stick out ur tongue to him*
Hyun : *lift a brow* nahh~ u already knew that i'm a player ??? hmm ......... that's bad .... *smirks as he looks at u n think of an idea* ouchh ............... (:: okay ... he's acting ! XD ) aeigoo ....... this is really hurting ..!
u : *who's acting really cold a few seconds ago ...* huhh ?? omo oppa ! gwaenchana o ??? aeigooo ........ must have take u to the living room now !
(So , u have to use all ur energy to bring Hyun n let him sit on the sofa in the living room)
u : wait here .......! i'm going to get the first-aid-kit ........ err ..... oppa ! where's the kit ?? *look around to find it*
Hyun : *continue with his acts n scream louder* AEIGOOO ......!! (ur name)-ah ! faster ...!! the blood is like river now ! aishh it's so hurting !
u : huhh !?? wait ! wait ! *panic n run around to find n suddenly u hit something so u fell on Hyun's lap* ARGGHH !
(When u try to stand up , u got eyes-locked with Hyun ..... u stop as u get totally shocked . he looks at u closer ......)
Hyun : *whisper* u r pretty ......
u : *blushed* w--what ......??
(He's getting closer n closer . u wanna move away but u can't do nothing else than stay frozen ..... closer .. closer .. really close ....!)
Taemin : ANNYEONG , HYUNGNIM !! *full of cheer* done with the dishes-- ......?? *stop as he rolls his eyes , u quickly move away from the suddenly-moody Hyun*

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