Thursday 24 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #29

[Previous Chappie : u had a dinner with ur new friends , Taemin , her girlfriend (Taemint) , Minho n ........ Hyun . ur friendship with Taemin n her girlfriend r getting better ... Hyun , keep teasing u again n again n Minho .... he seems like got a problem n u r curious abt it]
u : woahh i'm full ! *rub ur full-but-still-slim stomach softly*
(Minho already disappear to nowhere)
Taemin : woahh jagiya~ ur cook is becoming better , better n better ! *smile widely to his girlfriend*
Taemint : nahh u just want me to feed u again next time ! *ignore him n keep cleaning the dishes from the table*
u : let me help u ! *help for the dishes*
Taemint : huhh ?? ani ! ani ! u're the guest ! just sit n relax ...
u : aeigooo ...... i already used with those stuffs of dishes ! i'm facing the dishes .. like for my whole life every time i finished eating !
(The couple r rolling eyes n amazed)
Taemin : woahh ! seriously !?? for ur whole life ??? u mean , u're doing dishes by ur own since u were a kid ????? for god sake ................
(U're abt to answer him back but suddenly Hyun interrupt ur conversation)
Hyun : well~ my girlfriend is way much better than ur girlfriend~ *giggles while walk behind u n give u a back hug , which make u blushing*
Taemint : ya ! r u trying to piss me off !?? n stops being over-gentleman here . it's DISGUSTING ! *stick out her tongue to Hyun*
Taemin : *pissed off too n also stick out his tongue*
Hyun : nahh~ just like u guys have never be too romantic in front of us . u lovebirds .... *hug u tighter n lay his head on ur shoulder*
u : *blushing more , u feel like going to heaven but then u come back to reality* ya , oppa ! u better let me go n help me with this dishes instead of harassing me ...!
Hyun : yah ! what do u mean by me , harassing u !??
(The almost-5-yrs-old couple start laughing non-stop)
Taemint : *look at u* ya , (ur name)-ah ! u know what .. Jjong had NEVER n will never .. EVER touch the dishes for his whole life ...
Taemin : haha ! Jonghyun-hyung ?? doing the dishes ???? HAHAHA maybe it's going to be dooms day !
Hyun : *ignoring the annoying yet sweet couple* let me help u , jagiya~ *suddenly takeover the dishes which suppose to be in ur hands just now n he brings the dishes to the sink - ready to be washed*
The Couple : *rolling eyes* mwo !!??? is that really Jonghyun ?????
Taemint : *look at u , who knows nothing n just continue cleaning* woahh ...... u must be special for him .... *smirks*

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