Friday 11 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #19

u : *shocked* DAE !!?? u mean ...... all of this .............. FOR FREE ???
... Waitress : dae ! *nodded politely* chukae agassi ! n hope u'll come here again next time .. kamsahmnida ! please come again !
u : oo ........ *still amazed* (in heart : wow ! so lucky i have today !!) *walk away to the car while talking slowly to urself* this phone is way more expensive than mine !
Hyun : yaa ~!! palli , (ur name)-ah ! what r u doing !??
u : *shocked n look at him* Hyun-oppa ! i just can't believe how lucky i was today ! look ! i 'treat' u to dinner at this 6 stars restaurant for Free ......! n i also get this phone as a present ! this phone must be really expensive ! *show him the phone*
Hyun : *take n look at the phone (u think u see a smirk at his face for a second but then u think its just a smile)* woah .... it's an iPhone , u know ! the latest n newest one !
u : hmm ........ but i think i don need that .......... *thinking hardly*
Hyun : *shocked n get mad* YAA !! the thing that u don need is this ! *suddenly grab ur handbag n pull out an old phone* this phone got no camera application , wireless connection or even games !!
u : *shocked n feel weird before u grab ur phone from Hyun back* ya waeirae ~!?? this is my phone ! nothing to do with u ! *mehrong* plus ..... i ....... *suddenly looked down n blushing*
Hyun : *actually feel mad but then cool down when see u're blushing* (in heart : dammit ... she's cute !) ya , waeirae~?
u : err ...... *talking slowly* i don know much thing abt iPhone ...... well .. i never have one before ...............
Hyun : *hold his laugh* pftt .....!
u : YA ! u laugh !?? *hit him while ur face become redder*
Hyun : BHAHAHA !!! mi ..... mianhae .................. BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!
(but he laughing non-stop)
u : dae ....... gwaenchana ~ continue laughing while i'm leaving u ! *walk away*
Hyun : *shocked n finally stops laughing* ya ! (ur name)-ah~! omo just kidding ! don't take it serious ... (ur name)-ah !
(but u just walk away as u were really pissed off n u take a cab , leaving a panic Hyun)

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