Tuesday 15 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #22

u : ohh dae ........... *looked down before walk around the store , looking for whatever u like* (in heart : why Jane seems like doesn't like me ??? ahh~ she must be one of Hyun's ex or maybe still girlfriend ! but wait ! if she's his girlfriend , why did he introduce me as his girlfriend ?? n i think Jane once said just now ..... "more like his sister" ... so why she seems hate me ? urgghh !! just forget abt it !)
(Suddenly u heard a voice n when u look behind u , u see a guy -cute guy , i mean-)
u : (in heart : is he one of the staffs here ?? but he seems too good-looking to be a staff ! maybe he's a celebrity ...? wait , why is he seems really familiar ???)
The guy : annyeong ! r u Hyun's girlfriend ?? aeigoo he's still like that~!
u : o ? err ...... u r .............??
The guy : hmm ?? Oh . Ma . Gadd ...... u don know me !??
u : *feels annoying with the guy's diva style (:: yes ! that's it ! "DIVA" XD ) * err ..... i think i saw u a few times before but ......... *suddenly u remember that u always see that guy with Hyun before* Ahh~! u're Key , right ? *lift one of ur brows*
Key : "Ahh~! u're Key , right ?" *suddenly imitates u* that's it !?? no fangirling or giggles ........ or even shocked !??
u : err ............. i--
Key : aeigoo ....... where in the world have u living for ur whole life !?? oh ma gadd .... i still can't believe there's a girl in this cruel world who didn't know me ...
u : u sure a Drama King .......... right ?? *feels annoying*
Key : haha ! relax ! i'm just kidding ! don't take it serious~ well .... let me introduce myself more proper ! i'm Kim Kibum but people used to call me 'Key' .. not car key or master key ! it's Key ! K.E.Y--
u : yea ! yea ! *nodded many times* i know ! u're Key !
Key : great . but sometimes people call me as Almighty Key due to my triple threat in dancing , rapping n singing *winks* but it's kinda uncomfortable for u to call me that name .. so , just call me Key ! some people always talking abt me , n Jjong .. they said we're a couple ....................
u : *rolling eyes n make a gross mimic*
Key : *suddenly look in ur eyes sharply* but NEVER believe that ! we're pure guy ! u're dead if u believe that ......... *send u a death glare*
u : erk ...... *frozen* i don't believe it !
Key : good girl ! i just like omma to all SHINee's members-- ......
u : stop ! u're talking really fast ! u don have to tell me too detail !
Key : hehe ... so .. what r u looking for ??
u : hmm ....... Hyun-oppa asked me to look for some accessories for my new phone ... but i really don't know what to---
Key : iPhone ? let me help u ! i know much things abt iPhone ! here !
u : o ? o dae ............ *follows Key n suddenly a question appear in ur mind , ready to get the answer* err .... Key .................
Key : call me 'Key-oppa' *winks*
u : o ... Key-oppa ...... who is Jane ..........??
Key : ahh .... Jane ! why did u ask abt her ??
u : err .... i think she seems like hate me ................ *hesitates*
(n Key gives u the answer ~~~ the more u talk with Key , u find that Key is a very talkative yet friendly guy that u can take him as a friend)


  1. i love this please continue soon :P its very cute lol

  2. Please fast write imagine!!!!
