Friday 4 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #17


(At A Poor Food Stall)
u : err ..... Hyun-oppa ...........
Hyun : o ?
u : g--gwaenchana ...?
Hyun : *with mouth full of ramen* wae ?? y did u ath me tat quesion (y did u ask me that question) ?? *he can't speak it clearly due to full-mouthed*
u : err ..... i couldn't treat u to a better lunch .. cause i need to save my money for this month ...... mianhae !
(u look at him , with cap , black-framed of glases n jacket - disguising)
Hyun : oo .... *finally he successfully swallows the ramen in his mouth* gwaenchana ! this ramen is sooooooooo delicious ! i never eat this kind of food before !
u : *rolling eyes* dae !?? u mean , u NEVER eat ramen ?? in ur whole life ??? ohh my gadd u must be kidding !
Hyun : *nodded* i mean , i used to eat luxurious food like spaghetti ... pizzas ... chicken chop .... i mean , western food ~
u : woahh u must've living like a prince , am i right ?? ur appa n umma must love u very much ! unlike me-- ........
Hyun : ya , wait . i think i lost something with me .... my phone ! in the car ! i'm going to get it .. u go pay the bill , i'll just wait at the car .. *suddenly stands up n walk away*
u : oo ? dae ... *Hyun didn't hear cause he already out from the door so u quickly pay the bill* how much , ahjussi ??
Ahjussi : 2600 Won , miss ..
u : DAE !!??? that much !?? u gotta kidding me .....!
Ahjussi : well ... ur boyfriend ate 9 bowl of ramen n 12 glass of ---
u : urgghhhh ......... he's not my boyfriend ! ......... gwaenchana ! i'll just pay it off ! *hesitates to take out the precious pieces from ur purse n finally ...*
Ahjussi : dae kamsahmnida ! please come again later *smile widely*
u : *walk out from the stall with an unbelievable face* oh my gadd ........ that guy is such a monster ! how can he eat NINE bowl of ramen in one treat !!??? *u get in the car with Hyun quietly* (in heart : it's okay ... i just have to save more next time ... i just spent a quarter of this month's salary ...)
Hyun : YAYY !!! it's time to have some fun ! let's go to the WATER WORLD !!!
u : *feel uneasy* oppa ...... who's going to pay ----
Hyun : u of course ! n for dinner , we're going to eat at the Avenue Restaurant !!
u : *rolling eyes* (in heart : AVENUE RESTAURANT !!!???? isn't it a 6 stars restaurant !?? i must've spend all my salary !!!)

but there's nothing to do instead of cry in heart n hear Hyun's shout ...........

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