Sunday 27 May 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #32

[Previous Chappie : u talked with Minho n now u guys r FRIENDS !!! now , u're going to the kitchen cause u heard Hyun's screaming]

u : what the h*ll was happened ??? stop shouting like girls !
Hyun : DAE !?? what do u mean by Me , like GIRLS ??? *stands straight in front of u with an arrogant face* u rather leave me doing the dishes alone although u knew i never do it !!
u : F*CK !??? did u just say that I LEFT U !??? u were the one who told me to leave u , isn't it !?? n know u put the blame on ME !??
Hyun : GAHH !! shut up ! i'm going to-- *abt to walk away but suddenly fell on u*
(Fortunately u r able to catch him before he fell n u noticed that he's LIMP ...)
u : ya .....!! what's wrong ??? *look at him worriedly*
Hyun : *trying hard to step his feet on the floor again but he shout in pain* Ouchh ! n-- nothing ...! i just misstep just now ....... Urrgghhh ...... (groan)
u : *feel weird with the groans n shouts n when ur eyes fell on his feet , u get shocked* OMO u're bleeding ! so much bloods everywhere !what happened ???
Hyun : *trying hard to stand so u help him* t-- the glasses ... it fell n broke so i try to clean it up ...... n .. i stepped on it .. seems like i stepped on a big piece ..... *eyes welling as he hold the pain*
u : aishh ........ let me help u clean the cut ..... urgghh .....!! *groan as u're trying hard to lift the heavy-muscled-guy Hyun while u , a little-tiny girl*
Hyun : aeigoo ...... just call Minho ! u can't lift me with ur little body !
(Suddenly Minho -who doesn't know Hyun's condition- shout from the door)
Minho : oii (ur name)-ah ! Jonghyun-hyungnim ! i'm going home now ! don't worry , i'll lock the door ! see u later~ *slam the door before u could call for him*
(Both of u n Hyun get silence)
u : i thought this is the SHINee Dorm ???
Hyun : ani . this is (Taemint)'s house . we're just come here for dinner . Onew n Key couldn't come cause they had interviews . hmm ....... gwaenchana ! just call Taemin ! although he's also tiny , at least he's a guy~ *smirks n shout* oii TAEMIN-AH ! help me please !
u : *hesitates* err ........ actually ... Taemin already go out with (Taemint) before u start washing the dishes .........
Hyun : *shock n suddenly look at u with a scary eyes n talk slowly -almost whispering- like a devil's whisper* u mean ..... he LEFT me doing the chores while he go out to date .................??
u : err ................... unfortunately ........ yeah .. but he said he'll be back !
Hyun : when ?
u : err ....... *starts to shiver when u see Hyun's devil glare* when ... u've .. finished the dishes .........
Hyun : aishh that guy is so ......... *be quiet for a minute before smirks* ya , (ur name)-ah ! if u successfully lift me to the living room , i'll give u a kiss ........ on LIPS ......... *wide smile*

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