Tuesday 28 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

_______A WEEK PASSED_______

KRINGGG !!!!! -recess time-
Taemin : ya , (ur name)-ah ! let's hang out together !
u : hmm .. its okay .. i think i'll b more comfortable to hang out alone .. *smile*
Minho : yaa ~ ! friends r always hanging out together to anywhere , kaja !
Onew : dae ~ it must b good for us to hang out together !
(Jongkey gone earlier)
u : no . i rather like to spend time hang out alone .. just wanna release tense ..
Minho : tense ? u were tensed for being with us ?
Taemin : *brow lift*
u : NO ! definitely No ! i just love to b alone ... please ..?
Onew : but ...
Taemin : *cut Onew's words* its okay .. fine if u really wanna be alone . we'll not forcing u . but i still wish that we could spend time n hang out together *smile*
u : *feel touched* kansam for understands me ^^ yea ... maybe one day we could spend time together with the others *wide smile*
Minho : hmm ... but where do u gona hang out ?? i think all the places in this school already 'filled' by students ...
u : th ....
Taemin : the heaven up there .. *glance at the ceiling for awhile n .....* ya , Minho , Onew , kaja ! i think Jonghyun n Key must already at the canteen !
(Onew n Minho who were puzzled look at u for awhile n finally just walk together with Taemin)
u : *shocked but after that , smile* seem like i heard that phase once before ... *just walk to the roof w/o realizing that a few people follow u from behind*
(At The Roof)
u : aeigoooo ..... im so tired ! just if i don have to attend the classes anymore n just stay at home ........ *leaning against the wall n put on the earphones at an everage volume - still can hear any sounds*
~Jojo sulpun umagi hurultae nol saenggakhae eh eh eh~ *ur singing following the music's melody* (suddenly u heard a voice)
voice : so y don u just quit attending this school or just move ?
u : *looked up before .......*
(u were splashed by a pail full of water !)
u : HACHOOMM !! what the ....!! *shocked when u see the girls from cheerleaders (3 girl celebrities that u guys hate the most) stand in front of u with such arrogant faces*
Leader : sorry my hands were slippery .. feel refresh ? *smirk*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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