Wednesday 29 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

the cheerleader girls : *dumbfounded*
(the whole class r whispering) "is that the tomboy ?" "she's (ur name) ??" "she's SOO cute !"
u : *doesn't hear the compliments n feel ashamed* aeigoo ! i think i just gonna change this clothes ! ya , Taemin-ah !
Taemin : *shocked n look at u* huh ? o ...?
u : can u take some clothes from the boys' fitting room ...? i feel uncomfortable in this clothes ! ppl keep watching me since i walked out from the fitting room ! am i that ugly ??
Taemin : ani ! ani ! definitely nope !
u : *brow lift*
Taemin : err ... i mean ..... u .. u look ...
u : weird ?
Taemin : ani ! ur cute !
u : *shocked n blushing* huhh ???
Taemin : err .... that based on my opinion ... *blush n pretends reading the book*
u : err ....... *speechless n just continue ur work* (in heart *seems like i don have to change my clothes :p*)
Teacher : *enter the class* okay class ! i've a good news for u guys !
the whole class : o ??? *wondering* what is it ??
1st student : prom night earlier ?
2nd student : headmaster treat us for dinner at 5 stars hotel ??
3rd student : holiday ???
the whole class : HOLIDAY ?????
Teacher : *smile* dae~ the headmaster already agree to have holiday on the ship next month !
the whole students : YAYYYY !!!!!!
Teacher : students who wants to go , pls give me ur name now
Onew : *quickly jump on the desks n give the name to the teacher*
Jonghyun : ya ! kaja !! ^o^ *follow Onew*
Key n Minho : (ur name)-ah ! kaja !! *pull uto the teacher* we're in !
Onew : ya , Taemin-ah ! ur going right ??
Taemin : i don think so ....
u : *a bit upset*
(the teacher's going out of the class)
Jonghyun : ya , Taemin-ah ! y don u follow !??
Taemin : i don feel like wanna go ...
Key : seems like u have to !
Taemin : hmm ? what ? *brow lift*
u : actually Minho put ur name just now ... *guilty face*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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