Sunday 19 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #23

(u were too shocked that u can't move even an inch n when ur lips get separate ..)
Minho : (ur name) ?
u : *realize that ur eyes were too wide opened n b startled) wh ... what's happen just now ...?
Minho : err .. sorry .. i can't control myself .. err ... just 4get about it !
u : Mi .. Minho-ah ..
Minho : *look at u*
u : do u like me ?
Minho : wh ... what !? err ......... i .....
Taemin : hey , (ur name) ! what ya doing here ?
Minho : *shocked n acts like nothing happened*
u : *disappointed , sad n kinda ..... urghh !*
Onew : i think u guys sit too near ... is there anything's happened ? *envy tone*
Minho : err .... *move away* nothing
u : err .. i thought u guys r enjoying urselves in the market
Key : yea .. *annoying face* this guy said wanna go with u
Jonghyun : keke~ idk y but i feel uneasy leaving u guys 2gether .. *glance at Minho*
Key : *sits beside u n whisper* how is it ? better than my kiss ?
u : *shock n look at Key*
Key : im so sorry 4 spying u guys *smirk* n sorry again cause i failed in stopping Jonghyun from coming here but now i know that Minho is a man too !
u : *blushing*
Key : keke~ u guys do look like a couple *winks n then speak aloud* ya Minho-ah ! when u guys sit 2gether , u guys do look like a sweetttt couple !
Minho : huh ..? *get nervous* (in heart : i hope he's not watching the scene just now ...)
Jonghyun : o ? Minho-ah , u like (ur name) ?
Minho : de !?
Onew : ya , Minho-goon . im willing 2 let go (ur name) for ya *winks*
Jonghyun : ya ! (ur name) is mine ! X(
Taemin : geez no way ! there just no way !
Key : aeigooo fight again my sons ~~
u : (feel annoying n ...) ya , am i a stuff that can be pass 2 anyone !? *stand up n walk away angrily*
the members : *too shocked n speechless*
u : *saw (ur friend)* ya , kaja !
ur friend : o ? y .. ya , y ?? what happen ???
(u just b quiet , get into the bus n just wait the others in the bus)

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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