Friday 24 February 2012

SHINee's Series Imagine Part #29

u : annyeong .... *slowly n sounds not in mood*
ur friend : annyeong .. where r u going !? i've 2 buy other umbrella just now !
u : ohh sorry .. *get into ur room*
ur friend : *realize something weird n follow u into the room* ya , what's wrong ??
u : emm ..... Minho-oppa ..
ur friend : huh ? ohh u met just now ? what's wrong with him ??
u : he's abt 2 say something but need 2 b hurry for practice .. he said he'll meet me tmr
ur friend : ohh good then ! so y did u upset ?? :/
u : (ur friend's name) !
ur friend : huh ? what ?? wait , we'll b back next morning right !?
u : urghh such a slow chick ... *annoying*
ur friend : keke~ u should just say it directly :p so what we gonna do now ?
u : idk ..... no time to think abt it *pretends like studying*
ur friend : ya , stop pretending pls ? exam was already finished n that's y we're here . 2 celebrate it ! don spoil it !
u : ohh keke~ ur right ! i think i just gonna sleep *fake smile n lying on the bed*
ur friend : *lying next 2 u* u love him , don u ?
u : *daydream* hmm yea ..... HUH !? *woke from dreaming* wth ur talking abt !?
ur friend : finally ! ^^ u speak it out !
u : n .. no ! nonsense !
ur friend : stop deny it~ gotcha ! *winks* u said u love him just now !
u : err ... im his fan ! of course i ♥ him !
ur friend : no~~ *evil smile* u love him more than that !
u : okay fine ! i ♥ him as my hyung !
ur friend : not that ! even more than that ! XD u ♥ him as a lover ! L.O.V.E.R , Lover !
u : erghh ! nonsense ! im going to sleep ! *pull the blanket covering urself n sleep*
(ur friend take ur phone quietly n copy down Minho's number)
___________AT THE SHINee'S PRACTICE ROOM___________
(seems like Minho was punished by Onew to practice late alone)
~new message receive~
"ya , the trip will b on the road in the morning at 8 AM" from : Unknown
Minho : huh ? gosh ! (ur name) never tell me abt this ! *saw the 'Unknown' word* is she think im stupid ? *laughing* (seems like the 'unknown' word is useless)

Written by:
(edward potter)

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