Wednesday 22 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #27


10 PM
u : *while running* y am i this stupid !? *still running towards the lake*
(when u reach there , u can't find Minho)
u : ahh~ there just no way he'll wait for this late .. *realize u late 4 more than an hr n disappointed* he said he'll wait 4 me ... *tears going down*
(suddenly .....)
someone : finally u come !
u : *shock , about to look back but then u were hugged by 'him' from ur back*
Minho : i thought ur not coming *hug u tightly*
u : then u should just leaving .. *talking slowly*
Minho : but if im leaving , how about u ?
u : i came cause its rain heavily n u make me worry by saying that ur not leaving !
Minho : well .. im talking the truth .. im not leaving till u come . i sit under the tree it started raining *point at a tree that seems like big enough to protect 2-3 people from the rain*
u : gosh .. (in heart *y don i think about it b4 !? its all cause of that dream n movie !*)
Minho : wae ? *suddenly quiet for awhile* r u worrying about me ?
u : huhh ..? nn ... no !
Minho : *try to make u look at him* ya , (ur name)-ah !
u : o .. o ? *trying hard in hiding ur tears*
Minho : r u crying ?? hey ! look at me !
(both of ur struggling for awhile till Minho saw ur face)
Minho : (ur name)-ah ..... ur crying ... cause u thought i already leaving ...?
u : ernn .... no ..! i ...
Minho : *cut ur words , hug u tightly n whisper* i told u .. im not leaving u . believe me
u : huh ...? *blushed when realize people watching u* Minho-ah .. people r watching us ! *try to get away*
Minho : huh ..?
(some people who stare at u guys whispering "is that Minho" n "from SHINee !? who's that girl ???")
u : Minho-ah , palli ! *pull Minho's arm n run*
(both of u r running but when ur far from the chasers , suddenly u got sprained ankle n fell)
u : im okay ... u better get ur car now .. i don think the chasers will recognize me
Minho : *be quiet n suddenly carry u n walk slowly to the car*

to be continue...
Written By:
(Edward Potter )

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