Friday 17 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #22

u : err ... *look back* yea ...?
Minho : hmm let's go 2gether .. its better than walk alone right ?
u : err ... i think i'm going alone ..
Minho : y ?
u : i think i'll just follow the trip ... i might be scared if i get separate from 'em *smile n about to walk away*
Minho : *grab ur hand* (ur name) !
u : *shock n puzzled when Minho suddenly grab ur hand* err yea ..?
Minho : *quickly let go ur hand* its okay .. im alone too . if u get separate from 'em , i can drive u back to ur hotel !
ur other friend : *a guy who's the class monitor* (ur name) ! hurry ! we might've lost u if u just stand there !
u : *look at the class monitor b4 look back at Minho* err sorry .. i need 2 go now *follow the class monitor*
u : *keep looking at a necklace n when ur stop looking at it , u realize the trip already gone* gosh ... im lost ? D: *wandering*
(after a few minutes wandering ...)
Minho : (ur name) ?
u : uhh luckily ur come ..... *look back at Minho n shock* Minho !??
Minho : *smile* u lost ?
u : err ...
Minho : *with a relax tone n kinda happy* i thought u keep following 'em , how can u get lost ?
u : err .. idk . they're suddenly disappear !
Minho : *laughing* wow ! magically ! disappear just like that ?
u : *blushing*
Minho : lets go . walk with me *take ur hand into his jacket's pocket 2gether with his hand*
u : huhh ..?? *have 2 follow him since he hold ur hand tightly*
(at a lake nearby ...)
u : wow ! idk there's a lake here !
Minho : nae . if u feel like wanna release tension or take a stroll , just tell me ! i know many interesting places !
u : nae ! of course ! *ur keep playing with the fishes in the lake*
(when u look aside , u get shocked when Minho is too close to u)
*u wanna move away but its too late when ur lips stick 2gether*

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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