Tuesday 21 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #26

u : aeigoooo palli (ur friend's name) !
ur friend : ya , y do u wanna b that hurry ? that Apple store will not b closed too fast , (ur name) !
u : but it doesn't means we can hang out hare too long right ?
ur friend : aeigoo just enjoy our last day , can u !? or do u have any plan tonight ?
u : *speechless for awhile* err no .. no ! not like that
ur friend : or u wanna avoid something ?
u : err ..... not like that also .....
ur friend : that's mean u don have any problem right ? okay let's go watching the movie ! XD
u : huh !? but im tired enough !
ur friend : ur not going to run like crazy in the cinema ! just sit quietly n enjoy the story !
u : err .....
ur friend : don worry ! i think there's a good movie at ....... *looking at the screen that show tonight's movies info* 7 pm ! we'll just walking around , enjoy the delicious food ... n we still not going to the Apple store !
u : err ...... (in heart *7 pm ..... the movie's about 2 hrs n half ... that means it will b finished at 9.30 !*) hmm okay then ! *smile*
5 PM = *at a Korean food restaurant*
6 PM = *spent half an hr at the Apple store*
ur friend : ya , palli ! its already 6.30 pm right now !
u : 30 minutes is nothing if it was compared to 3 hrs *malicious smile*
ur friend : okay fine ! but we need 2 b in the cinema 5 minutes b4 it start !
u : im paying right now ! can u b patient 4 awhile !?
7 PM : (in the cinema) *ur not watching the ending cause it seems look alike ur dream last night*
(9.35 PM)
ur friend : uwaa~~ the movie is just so romantic ! XD especially the ending ! no wonder many people like it so much!
u : yea ....
ur friend : don lie ! ur not watching the ending ! y ??
u : like i said .. im tired ! *when u get out from the building , u find it was a really bad weather out there .. exactly like ur dream* gosh .... no way .........
ur friend : *bring an umbrella* gosh its really bad weather ! i bought this umbrella just now ........... ^^
(suddenly u snatch the umbrella n run through the rain)

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