Tuesday 28 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]


u : what the hell r u doing !?? *mad*
one of 'em : what the hell ...? isn't that kinda rude ??
other one : people like this doesn't knows what means Manner
Leader : hmm ... feel refresh right ?
u : yea i feel sooo freshh right now ! *snatch the pail that seems a quarter of it still was filled by some water n u splashed on all the girls*
all of 'em : YAAA !!!
u : opss sorry my hands were slippery *winks*
Leader : *grab ur shirt* im warning u ... don disturb our princes ...
u : *brow lift* who's ur princes ??
one of 'em : the all SHINee members of course !
u : but we're just friends !
Leader : right now , maybe ! so i just warning u !
u : huh ! u think they'll love chicky girls like all of u !?? unbelievable !
(u were slapped ! for the very 1st time in ur whole life !)
Leader : ya ! a perfect prince was born just for a perfect princess .. like ME !
2 of 'em : *look like servants* yea ! she's definitely right !
u : *hold pain n glance at 'em sharply* what the f*ck r u guys ! u think ur good enough !?? u think ur pretty enough !?? please see urself in the mirror n think abt it TWICE !
Leader : YOU ....! *abt to slap at u*
(u close ur eyes tightly but ....)
u : hmm ...? *open ur eyes slightly n feel weird* (in heart *i thought she's gotta slap me !*)
(when u looked up , u see Taemin hold the leader's hand)
Leader : Taemin ...!
2 of 'em : OMG princes r all here ! *seem scared*
(u look other side n see all of the members r there)
Taemin : *get his face closer to the leader* if u try 2 disturb my friend again , I'll Kill You ... *his eyes n tone r exactly like a Devil's*
Leader : *shivering badly*
u : err .... Taemin-ah .. don need to kill her .... (actually u were scared too when heard Taemin's threat)
Onew : *pull Taemin back* ya .. don over-acting to a girl !
Leader : *quickly run together with her 'servants'*

To be continue~

Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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