Monday 20 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #25

~noona neomu yeapuhsuh~ -phone's ringing-
ur friend : urrrgggghhhhhh !!!!!!!! can u just answer the call pleaseeee !!!???????? its already 29th call tonight only ! c'mon ! the phone's ringing make me stress >.<
u : then i'll just turn to silent mode ... *silent the phone n get into the room* huwarrrghhhhh~~ so sleepy ..
(suddenly u got a message)
"I'll wait u at the same lake tmr at 8.30 pm .. just the two of us .. I'm not leaving till u come ! - Minho"
u : what's wrong with him !? he's blackmailing me ??? *throw away the phone on the bed n sleep*
(in ur sleep , u got a dream that Minho's wait 4 u in the rainy weather , get fever n almost faint .. suddenly u woke up)
u : *worry* should i come tmr ..? urgghh ! that scene is just will happen in dramas ! Minho would never do that ! *back to sleep when u realize it was already 5.30am* 15 hrs more .......
_________NEXT MORNING - The Last Day Before Back From the Trip________
ur friend : ya ! i just got a message from the teacher that today we can do whatever we want n go to anywhere we wished !! XD but yea , go by ourselves but there's many cabs waiting for us ♥ !
u : ohh really ? *slowly w/o mood*
ur friend : so , where do u think ur going ???
u : dining room~ bed room~ kitchen~ tv~ .......
ur friend : what !? is that mean ur not going anywhere ???
u : aha~ *brow lift*
ur friend : geez ! let's go ! we should enjoy this trip ! *force u*
u : aeigooo ..... where r we going !?
ur friend : SHOPPING !!! ^o^
u : huhh ....?
ur friend : don make that face . i think there's also an Apple product store there~ ur searching for something for ur iPad right ? *winks*
(At The Mall - 4 PM)
*u realize it was the mall near yesterday's night market ! that's mean the lake is just around there !*
u : gosh ... (ur friend's name)-ah , we're here just 4awhile right ..?
ur friend : huh ? of course !
ur friend : keke~ just assume that this is a punishment for makes me waiting too long in the previous days ! *make such an innocent face*
(ur strangling ur friend just 4 release tension when ur realize its already 4.30 pm)
4 hrs more .......

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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