Friday 10 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #16

(all the SHINee members r all at the dining room)
Onew : *get in the dining room* ya , Minho-ah !
Minho : o ?
(Jonghyun is playing games on his phone , Taemin's watching him playing while Key's serving the food)
Onew : ur really selfish ! u told us not to be idiots but u copied (ur name)'s number from Jonghyun's phone right !?
Minho : ahh~ *look other side to cover his acts*
Jonghyun : YAA !! that's pretty bad ! i've been wondering how can u contact her n bring her here !
Key : serves u right ~~ :p
Taemin : aeigoo .... give me her number too , hyungnim-ah ! X(
(having fight for Minho's phone except Key)
Minho : okay fine ! let me speak out the numbers !
Jonghyun : geez .. i don believe in u ! u might give the wrong number !
Onew : de ! agree with Jonghyun !
Minho : aeigoo if u don believe me , u can try call her !
Taemin : hmm i think its a good idea !
(then Minho has to give the number to 'em)
Taemin : let me try call her ! *dial ur number n call*
~noona neomu yeapo~ -phone's ringing-
u : hello ?
Taemin : saranghae ! *quickly hang up* ya hyungnims ! its really (ur name) !
Jonghyun & Onew : oh kayy ...... *save the number n continue their works just now*
Minho : *go out to the pool alone* phew ! luckily they don get my phone ! if they saw my phone's wallpaper ... i might be dead .. *looking at his phone's wallpaper which is the pic of ur sleeping*
___________________AT THE SAME TIME_____________________
u : Taemin-oppa ?? what did he just say ...? sa .. SARANGHAE !!????
ur friend : de !? he said he loves u !!?????
u : *shocked* since when u r here !?
ur friend : keke~ since u answered the call ~~
u : ya !
ur friend : *cover ur mouth n get off when u'r getting relax* ya , i heard u say "Taemin-oppa" .. u mean .. of SHINee ??
u : huh !? how do u know !?? i thought u'r not K-Pop lover !
ur friend : aeigoo ... yes i am not a K-Pop lover but don forget ;) i'm a friend of a K-Pop lover !

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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