Sunday 5 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #10

Onew : UWAAA !!!! (ur name) ! long time no see ~~
Taemin : OMO ! i really2 miss ya ! *suddenly hug u happily*
Key : WOW ! today is a fairytale !! *jump like crazy n join Taemin hug u*
Minho : YAA !! *mad when Key n Taemin hug u*
Jjong : ya Minho-ah ! what r u doing here with (ur name) ?? *envy reaction*
Onew : yea Minho-goon . what r u doing ??
Taemin : ya . i think Minho hyungnim already fell in love ... *smirk*
Key : O ! really !??
u : huh ? *shock n blush*
Minho : YA ! there's no something nonsense like that ! me ? in love with her !? impossible !
u : *be startled n was hurt*
Jjong : YA ! that's rude ! poor (ur name) !
Minho : *be startled , look at u with feelings of guilt*
u : *make a fake smile* no , its okay ! moreover Minho is right :)
Minho : err ..... *feels guilty*
Key : hey ! (ur name) , let me show u around this house kay ?
u : ohh kayy .. *follow Key*
_____________AT THE HOUSE COMPOUND______________
Key : so .. what's up with u n Minho ?
u : huh ? oh .. well , we're just friends ...
Key : really ? but usually normal friends will not going out at this late *smirk*
u : oho .. no . we just want some fresh air .. so its better if going out together .. its danger to going out alone right ?
Key : yea agree with u .. so , u going out with us , is there anyone who will be mad ?
u : err .... mean ?
Key : i mean .. u already have a bf or still single ???
u : ohh .... no .. i wonder who wants a girl like me ..
Key : ohh u still single !? then i still have a chance !
u : huh ? *suddenly Key push u against the wall*
_____________AT THE SAME TIME_______________
Minho : (just get off from the chaotic situation in the house) geez where's (ur name) ?? i need to apologize her .... *be glued when saw Key kissed u*

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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