Friday 10 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #15

________________WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN JUST NOW________________
Key : *goes near the pool after leaving u*
Minho : what have u did to (ur name) ?
Key : *shocked n look at Minho* owhh u saw ?
Minho : i'm asking u .. what have u did to (ur name) ?
Key : err .. c'mon man ! what's ..........
Minho : *suddenly grab Key's shirt collar* i'm asking u , WHAT HAVE U DID TO (UR NAME) !??
Key : *shocked* i kissed her so what's wrong with u !?
Minho : *suddenly punched Key* who r u to kiss her !? u're completely disqualified !
Key : *hold the pain n stands up back* what's wrong with u !? me !? disqualified !?? who r u to decide that i'm qualify or not !??
Minho : *pushed Key until he fell n punched him* well , i know she doesn't like it !
Key : huh ! *pushed Minho back* or maybe the person who doesn't like it is U !
Minho : what the ......
Key : kay fine ! JUST DENY IT ! u make my works get easier ! then (ur name) will just choose me ! *pushed Minho away n just left him*
____________________NEXT DAY_____________________
ur friend : YAA !! u think idk u'd disappear last night ???
u : err .........
ur friend : ya ! do u know how much i'm worry about ya !? luckily u'r back exactly when i'm about to call ur mom ! *talking non-stop*
u : okayy (ur friend's name) ... okay ......
ur friend : what's okay !? i was nearly going crazy ! *blah blah blah*
u : i said OKAY ! i'm sorry ! so now let me sleep ! i'm soo sleepy right now ! *going to bed*
ur friend : err ...... who's the one who should be mad here ??
u : *be quiet cause u're thinking about Minho's acts just now*
ur friend : *walk away when realize u're not answering*
-but when u've fell asleep , ur phone's ringing-
ur friend : (ur name) ! aeigoo she must be too tired last night ! *answer the call* hello ?
Minho : err ......... (ur name) .....?
ur friend : ahh~~ (ur name) bf ! am i right !??
Minho : err ..... where's (ur name) ....?
ur friend : she fell asleep . seems like she's so tired ! wait ...
Minho : huh ??
ur friend : she's going out last night ...... with u ???
Minho : err ...... tell her i called her if she woke up kay ? *quickly hang up*
ur friend : huh ? just that ?? *look at u n make a malicious smile*
-after a few minutes ......-
~1 new message receive~
Minho : huh ? *open the new message n saw a pic of u sleeping* ahh~ good job , (ur friend's name) ! *wide smile*

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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