Thursday 2 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #4

*u go to the lobby n saw Jjong with a bouquet of roses*
Jjong : here , sweety *give u the roses*
u : erm .. Jjong ?
Jjong : yea ?
u : what's this ??
Jjong : roses !
u : u know what i mean ..
Jjong : oh kayy .. *put his arm around u n bring u into the car*
__________AT A PARK FULL OF FLOWERS_______________
u : wow ! the flowers r so beautiful !
Jjong : yea beautiful like u (winks)
u : *blush n look aside to hide ur face , then u saw Minho stands alone*
Jjong : yaa ! Minho-ah !
Minho : *shocked n look back at u guys*
Jjong : *grab ur hand n run towards Minho* ya what r u doing here ??
Minho : *while ogle at u* nothing .. just wanna take some fresh air outside here .. u ?
Jjong : oo we go out for a date ! *hug ur shoulders*
u : *no respond since u keep being eye-contact with Minho*
Minho : ahh~ date ? *look at Jjong* kay , continue ur date .. just ignore me (sigh) *walk away*
Jjong : hmm ? just like that ?
u : hmm Jjong .. i'm sleepy .. can u drive me back to the hotel ??
Jjong : sure (smile)
*n at that night u can't sleep well cause u keep thinking about Minho*

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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