Thursday 2 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #6

*walking together*
Minho : hmm ..... so where r we going now ?
u : huh ? i don know .. well , i'm not used with this place .. i came here for a trip ..
Minho : oh kayy .... same ! hey want ice-cream ? *suddenly grab ur hand n run to a fast food restaurant*
u : *shock n just follow him*
Minho : chocolate n ....?
u : erm me , vanilla ..
Minho : uncle , give me chocolate n vanilla ice-cream plz !
(both of u sit at the table at the corner)
*u start eat ur ice-cream*
Minho : (ur name) , can i taste ur ice-cream ? *take ur vanilla ice-cream n eat it*
u : *in heart* OMG is that indirect kiss !!????
Minho : hmm delicious ! here u r ... *saw ur shock face n realize about what he did* ahh ... *blush*
~noona neomu yeapo~ -phone's ringing-
u : *quickly answer the call* err hello ...?
ur friend : YAA !! u told me to be faster n i go shopping hurriedly ! i rather forget about a branded handbag for u n now u disappear !!!!
u : ahh so sorry ! i'll be back right now ... *hang up the phone* err Minho-ah ...
Minho : *seem relieved* let's go now ! *quickly stands up n walk away*
u : *look down to earth n just follow him from back*
__________________AT THE PARK____________________
u : err ... (ur friend's name) .. so sorry .. i ........
ur friend : *saw Minho* ohh its me who should say sorry ! y don u just tell me that u go to have a date with this handsome boy !
*u n Minho look so awkward*
u : err ..... ya , kaja ! the teacher must has waited for us for too long ! *pull ur friend's hand* err .. i .. i have to go now ..
Minho : oh kayy sure ! pity ur teacher right ? *waves*
ur friend : kay ! see u later handsome boy !!
u : *pulling her hand harder n whisper* let's go ! u embarrass me !

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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