Saturday 4 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #8

u : so ... y did u call me ??

Minho : i can't call u ?

u : nahh .. i think i heard that verse from Jjong ....

Minho : huh ? keke~~ well , its not same since the speaker r different right ? *suddenly the tone change to deep voice like whispering*

u : maybe ... *getting nervous*

Minho : so , what r u doing now ? going to sleep ?? *talking with charismatic tone*

u : uhh no no ! *get out of bed* i'm .. i'm reading novel ! *suddenly take a dictionary*

Minho : ohh .. what is it about ??

u : err .. err ... its about love !

ur friend : *suddenly appear beside u* ya , r u blind ? that's a dictionary ! how can u say its about love ???

u : *shock n push ur friend's head aside*

Minho : *heard it* kekeke~~ (ur name) , let's go out for awhile , can ? i'll wait u at the lobby

u : huh ? err s .. sure !

ur friend : ya , ur face r red like strawberries !

u : *quickly hang up the phone* ya , (ur friend's name) . ready for the hell ~~~

ur friend : KYAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

_______________AT THE LOBBY_______________

u : err sorry .. a bit late ... *making sad face*

Minho : *looking at ur face w/o saying anything*

u : err ... Minho ?

Minho : *be startled* err .. its okay ! its just 5 minutes :)

u : oh kayy ....

(both of u get in the car)

u : err where r we going now ??

Minho : its up 2 u . i'm willing to be ur driver *make a killer smile*

u : *beating very fast* huhh ...... ? err can we go up to the hill ? i like the fresh air up there ... but i think it was too late !

Minho : hmm i think the cable car must be still working now .. lets go !

u : huh !? but is it not too late ??

Minho : for me , its worse if making a cute girl sad *smile*

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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