Monday 2 April 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #42

_____________5 YEARS LATER_____________
u : ya , oppa ! *pokes Taemin's back* we don't spend time together for very long time ! last time is .........
Jonghyun : 2 years ago ! that's when we were allowed to take a month off from manager hyung n SM ! but then we were busy with the Comeback .. releasing albums ... concerts .. meet n greets with the fans .. woahh so long time .............
u : shut up , Dino ! i'm talking to my oppa ! *mehrong*
Jonghyun : YAA !! how can u call Taemin 'oppa !' oppa ! but with me , u keep calling me DINO !!??? u make me feel like a real dinosaur !!
u : u r a dinosaur ~ remember ? u wear a dinosaur costume in Hello Baby , right ? *winks* that shows that u r a real dinosaur~ lalalalalala~ *ignores the mad Jonghyun* miss Yoogeun-ah ! *giggles*
(the others keep laughing hardly at both of u who r always arguing every time u guys meet each other)
Taemin : of course ! she have to call me 'oppa' cause i'm her soul mate forever~ right , yeobo ?? *look at u with a wide smile*
u : dae ~ *back hug Taemin*
Onew n Minho : aeigoooo ...... aeigooooo ..........! so sweet couple huhh ???
u n Taemin : mm ! *both nodded at the same time*
Key : *get in the SHINee Dorm's hall* ya ! GOOD NEWS !!! manager hyung n SM allow us to get two months leave after i keep begging at them !!! *totally excited*
u : *get shocked* woahh REALLY ?????? YAYYYY !!!!! *totally excited too , hold Key's both hands n jump with him together*
(the others r having fun too when hear the superb good news)
Jonghyun : WOAHH !!! Key-yah ! (ur name)-ah ! let's jump together !!! *quickly hold ur n Key's hand n all the three of jump excitedly*
Taemin : ya , (ur name)-ah ! how dare u hold their hands right in front of ur lover ! *pull u n u fell in his arm*
Jonghyun n Key : ggrrrr ........ stingy guy ! *both of them mehrong at Taemin*
u : *laughing non-stop*
Taemin : *mehrong back at Jonghyun n Key*
Minho : ya , let's think where we're going during this two months off ! u guys can continue ur jumps when we're having holiday !
Key : ya , i'm suggesting us to go to up mountain !
Jonghyun : ya , y don't we go traveling in the forest ??
Minho : n if we get lost in the forest , our career as a famous band will be spoiled ..
u : ya ! beach is the best ! i love beach !
(suddenly all the members look at u n be quiet for a few minutes -seems like they r thinking abt something)
Taemin : i think we should go to up mountain ...! *blushing*
Minho : dae , i think so too ......!
the others : *nodded many times*
u : what ?? what r u guys thinking abt just now ???
(all of them r leaving n u quickly grab Taemin's hand when he's abt to follow others)
u : oppa ........ *give him a death stares*
Taemin : *fail to ur aegyo* dae .. dae .. its a guy thinking ......
u : *can't understand* what ???
Taemin : we're imagining ur clothes at the beach ......... *quickly run away*
u : *blushing* YAA !!! PERVERT !!! *throw pillows*

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