Friday 20 April 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #10

(u n Hyun went to the ghost house , throwing the darts *Jonghyun gets u a big teddy bear since he threw the darts at the target accurately* , playing mazes etc n something weird happen when both of u r in the ferris wheel)
u : woahh !! look there , Hyun ! woaa the views from up here r very .... very nice ! ya ~ palli ! *totally excited n without realize , u hold his hand n ask him to look out*
Hyun : *shocked when u hold his hand but then , smile* i ride this for many times , (ur name)-ah ...
u : ahh~ *u let his hand go n u put them on the window* woahh ................. i must've come here again next time !
Hyun : *pouts when u let go his hand (u 100% NEVER realize u hold his hand or let it go) but then , suddenly ..............* (ur name)-ah ................
u : *keep looking outside n doesn't hear he's calling u*
Hyun : ya , (ur name)-ah~ *pull ur shoulders softly n stare at ur eyes*
u : *feel weird n stare at his eyes back with a totally Innocent mimic* waeirae ~?? i still wanna watch the views !
Hyun : *hold ur shoulders tightly n smirks when see u pouts n then he gets his face closer to urs .........................*
u : *still blur n TOTALLY INNOCENT*
_________________After Get Into The Car Back__________________
u : woahh !! it's a very nice day ! the clown is so funny haha ! n i got a big teddy bear too ! kamsahmnida Hyun ! *without look at him n still enjoy hugging the teddy bear*
Hyun : oo .... dae .......... *blushing when remember what happen just now* (in heart : uhh luckily she's really innocent or else , it will be really embarrassing !!!)
[:: Readers , wanna know what actually happen !???? XD ]
---------------- FLASHBACK ---------------
Hyun : (in heart : oww man ! she's really innocent ! just a few centimeters ........... closer ...... )
(suddenly the door of the cabin was opened)
Worker : sir , r u enjoying the viewss------ *shocked , stops n blushing when see Jonghyun is abt to kiss u*
u : *look at the worker* dae ! the views r very ... very beautiful from up there ! i promise i'll come here again next time ! kaja Hyun ! *pull the blushing Hyun out from the cabin , leaving the frozen worker at the cabin*

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