Sunday 22 April 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #12

u : *speechless n start to feel guilty for hitting him too hard* err ......... seriously .....?? is that true ???
Hyun : oo ! *nodded like a child* aeigooo (ur name)-ah ......! how could u hit me that hard ! its really hurt , u know ----....... *suddenly stops nagging cause of shock when u suddenly acts weird by stroking his hair (the part u hit the hardest)*
u : err ...... mianhae , Hyun-ah ..... [::Not Hyuna from 4Minute kay !] i didn't mean to hurt u that hard ... i really don't know what happened last night ... mianhae too if u feel annoyed with my acts last night .....
Hyun : *blushed a bit n when he noticed ur upset face ......* (ur name)-ah ..... i know there's something bother u , right ? i still remember what u're crying for in ur sleep last night .... what happened to ur parents ???
u : *stops stroking Hyun's hair n hesitates*
Hyun : *look in ur eyes deeply as he said ...* gwaenchana , (ur name)-ah ... just tell me . i'm ur friend btw , am i ?? well ... i know that we're not a very close friends since i just know u ... less than a week , am i right ? but , i can be a good friend to u~ *winks*
u : *still hesitates*
Hyun : tell me abt ur parents ...?? *make an aegyo face*
u : stop it ! it doesn't work on me !
Hyun : aeigooo .......! ur the 1st person who could resist my aegyo ! just tell me already , (ur name)-ah ~!
u : dae ... hmm ..... actually ... even me don't know where they are ... i don't even know their face , how their look ... rich or not .. their name .. i know nothing .. i was adopted since i was still a baby .. but my foster parents seem like really hate me .. they always scold me even thought i just did a tiny mistake ... they always cursing me n my biological parents n they also hit me like everyday .. i was fed up enough so i apply a scholarship to attend the vocal class in Seoul without telling them .. my foster dad was really mad when he knows i'm going n he's about to stop me when my foster mom persuade him ... *u see Hyun is listening to every words u say n u continue* at first , i thought she is starting to love me but ....
Hyun : wae ??
u : she said to my foster dad ... if i'm gone , they don't have to waste more money to support me ... she even told me that they'll not giving any pocket money for me .. so , this apartment ... i work for it ..... *u try to hold in ur tears* (in heart : i'm not going to cry ! not in front of Hyun !) i really wanna meet my real parents till i keep dreaming abt them ...
(suddenly u feel Hyun's hand is pulling u softly into his arms)
Hyun : *while stroking ur hair to calm u as he said ...* gwaenchana , (ur name)-ah ... just cry ... just let it go .. don't hold in ur tears .. if u do , it'll be more pain ...! just cry ... i'm always here as ur commandant ....... *smile sincerely as u start to cry on his chest*

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