Monday 16 April 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #3 By Edward / Edika [Kim Jonghyun Version] Chap #6

U : err ………… u said u’ll just pick whatever my favorite book , right …….?
Hyun : *nodded* hmm ………….
U : hmm then ……. *hesitates n pick a puzzle book* I like solving puzzles ! I really love finishing it !
Hyun : *rolling eyes* (in heart : what !? PUZZLES !!???? urhh I hate it !!) err …. (ur name)-ah ………. U … u like .. puzzle ….?
U : mm ! *nodded* wae ? u don’t like it ??
Hyun : err … *hesitates* it’s not like I don’t like it ……….. but I just don’t know what’s the benefits after solving it ………..
U : *smile* I love finishing the puzzles …… cause it’s kinda teach us how to solving problems in our life
Hyun : *lift his left brow* what the relationship between puzzles n our life ??
U : hmm …. Like this …… when u trying to solve puzzles , u need to be patient n not giving up . cause once u give up , u’ll never able to finish the puzzle ! same like our life ! when we have a problem , we have to be patient n not give up . solve the problem like solving puzzle , then , the problem will be finish ! *winks*
Hyun : *smirks* hmm ……. (in heart : buy the book doesn’t mean I have to finish it right ?? she’ll never know if I throw the book !) Okay then , Madam ! I’ll take it ! well , can u take the book to the cashier …? I scared if she might recognize me if I get near .. *take out a few pieces of Wons in his wallet*
U : ahh~ sure ! hmm ……. Don’t worry ! I’ll pay for this !
Hyun : *shocked* o ? No ! the book is mine ! I should pay for this !
U : no ! I’ll pay ! I’m the one who suggest this book ! it’s okay . I’ll pay , as long as u promise u’ll finish the puzzles ! *wide smile n abt to go*
Hyun : err …….. I’ll take my car here …. I’ll wait outside ..
U : *look back n smile again* dae ! *go to the cashier*
Hyun : *walk out of the store n go towards the car* aishh …… what’s this feeling !?? usually the girls will be happy when I said “I’ll pay” ~ but this girl ….. urghh !!! so irritating !! y I have to finish the puzzles !?? if u really think I’m going to finish it , u wish , (ur name) .. u wish ….. *get into the car n drive in front of the store*
U : *knock the car window*
Hyun : *look outside the window n get the press a button which is to open the window* wassup ??
U : *give him the book in a plastic through the window* here ! take this !
Hyun : ya , get in ! I’ll take u home !
U : o ?? ani ! I can walk by myself *smile* my apartment is just around here
Hyun : u live in apartment ?? I wonder how u could get into the 5 star vocal class ..
U : I got a scholarship
Hyun : ahh~ okay then . *take the book* meet u tomorrow ! *smile n close the window before drive away n look at u through the side mirror*
U : DAE !!! *wide smile*

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