Tuesday 3 April 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward[Lee Taemin Version] Chap #44

(Out From The Cafe)
u : ya , Minho-ah ..... who's that girl ??? *heartbroken when Taemin's seems really take care abt the mystery girl*
Minho : idk ... just a stranger that suddenly talk with us n the others r really take good care abt her ... idk what's good abt that stranger ..
u : *feel weird when Minho talks to u with a cold voice* ya , y don't we take a walk at the park ! *point at a park that is full of flowers*
Minho : *look at u for awhile n lift his brow*
u : *make an aegyo face* aeigooo ......... kaja ...!
Minho : y don't u join others in the cafe ??? *bow to be same as ur height n get his face closer to urs till ur nose is abt to touch his ...*
u : *hesitates* err .................. *u think abt how 'kindhearted' is Taemin who gives the girl some food* nn ..... nothing .......!
Minho : *smirks* u already be with him for 5 yrs .. jealous much ? *mehrong* believe me , he loves u so much ! but idk if he's a person that can love more than one ...
u : *feel like was dumped when heard Minho's last phrase* err ... kaja , Minho-ah ...
(u take some walk with Minho n be back when the girl is gone n u guys act like never see anything ... n after eat , u guys back to SHINee Dorm)
u : ya ... i'm going to my room .. bye ! *quickly go to ur room n crying quietly*
Taemin : ya , y is (ur name) seems like very upset ?? u guys walk together just now right ?? what r u talking abt ?? *look at Minho*
Minho : just think by urself .... *get in the room n leaving the confused Maknae*
____________A FEW DAYS PASSED______________
(u r lying under the blanket late at night n almost sleeping when u heard the knocks on ur door)
Key : (ur name)-ah~~ open the door~
u : *walk open the door with half-open eyes* ahh~ Key-yah ..... whatcha doing ..? *yawning*
Jonghyun : *suddenly appear next to Key , n followed by Onew* we're planning to sleep in our villa up the mount ! kaja !
u : hmm ..... dae .... where's the other two ??
Onew : Taemin is packing his things while Minho is disappear ... don't worry , we left a note for him~
u : *seems like don wanna follow when hear Taemin's there too* o ... u guys wait downstairs . i'll be there in 15 ... no , 10 minutes .. *shut the door n starts packing things* (in heart : y only Minho knows what actually in my heart but now , he's not here !??) *upset*

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