Monday 2 April 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #43

______________UP THE MOUNTAIN______________
u : WOAHH !!! WTH SO FRESH AIR UP HERE !!! *open ur arms to feel the winds*
Key : WOAHHHH !!!!!! SO HIGH !!!!!!! *abt to cry n try to stay away from the mountain edge but was blocked by Jonghyun*
Jonghyun : *push Key next to u* YAA !! *have to shout to each other when talking cause the wind is too strong* WHAT R U SCARED OF ??? THERE'S BARRIER THERE ! U'RE NOT GOING TO FALL !!
Minho : *from the cafe* YAA !! STOP BULLYING N GET IN OR ELSE UR CAPS MAY BE FLOWN BY THE WIND N U'LL BE CAUGHT BY THE LIONESS !! *he means the fans but refuse to use the word 'fans' so that no one will be suspicious abt u guys*
(the all four of u get in the cafe n sit at the corner -all of u r laughing hardly except for Key who looks relieve to be far away from the mountain edge)
u : *sits next to Taemin* oppa ! y don't u go out with me just now !???
Taemin : nothing ...
u : what's nothing !?
Taemin : there's just no reason ...
u : i don't believe u !
Taemin : dae~~ dae~~ fine ! i just thought that u wanna be with the others instead of be with me ......... *make an unsatisfied mimic*
u : ahh~ abt that .....
Onew : maknae is envy~ maknae is jealous~ maknae is unsatisfied~
Taemin : yaaaissshhhh !! *feel annoying*
Jonghyun , Key n Minho : HAHAHA !!! LOL ! Taemin already shows a normal feelings of a boyfriend~
u : uhh shut up , all of u ! *hug Taemin's arm* aeigooo ......... oppa ! there's just no way i'm going to spend time with these crazy 'hot guy' ! they'll just make me feel hot !! *mehrong at the other members*
the others : *shocked n kinda pissed off* YAA ....!
Taemin : dae~ dae~ they always make me really 'hot' too !
u : haha ! hmm oppa ........ i need to go to the toilet for awhile ......
Taemin : make sure u'll be back soon ! *winks*
(the others r just ignoring u guys cause already used to this romantic situation n u go to the toilet)
u : *get out from the toilet while whistling when see Minho* ya , where r u going ?? where's others ???
Minho : *look at u* at the table , of course .. i just wanna have some fresh air ... kaja ! u wanna join me or them ??
u : *look at the table n see the members r having fun with a girl* err ......... i'm ... i'm going with u .....

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