Tuesday 7 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #11

Minho : *try to control himself n just walk away*
u : *push Key aside* what r u doing !?
Key : erm ... kissed u ..?
u : yea i know ! but what is it for !??
Key : *malicious smile* u guess ? *walk away*
u : *speechless about 10 minutes before going in*
Taemin : ya (ur name) ! *hug ur arm like a child n pull u to the dining room* its Minho hyungnim's n my turn to serve the supper .. but Minho hyungnim already disappear n i've to serve it by myself .. will u help me ??
u : ....... *speechless when knowing Minho's disappear*
Taemin : *ur name* ....? *his face get closer to ur face*
u : *shocked* err ... sorry .. yea sure i'll help u !
Taemin : yeay ! let's us start now ! ^.^
(u n Taemin start cooking . he cook the soup while u cut the kimchi *Korean food*)
u : OUCH ! *u cut ur finger n it was bleeding*
Taemin : *shock* (ur name) ! r u okay ? oh godd u r bleeding ! *take the 1st aid kit n starts treating u*
u : (suddenly ur heart's beating fast when Taemin seems like a man in front of u) err Taemin-ah .. i'm okay ... i just get a little hurt ..... *try to pull ur hand*
Taemin : *pull back ur hand* a little !? a girl should not be hurt even a bit ! *make a serious face*
u : *shock , be quiet n just let him treats u*
(after passed a few minutes of nervous)
Taemin : here u r ! i'm done ! just sit there . don continue ur work ! well , i'm regret for asking u to help me ... :p
Key : ya .. what r u doing ? have u done cooking ??
u : *shock n speechless*
Taemin : i just done treating (ur name) . she was hurt just now ....
Key : huh !? ur hurt ?? y don u just call me !? where did u hurt ???
Taemin : ya hyungnim ! i already treat her ! can u not being over-protective ??
Key : ya . its up to me ! XP
Jjong : geez .. i'm hungry right now ! ya Taemin-ah ! u still cooking !?? u should cook together with Minho right ?
Taemin : aeigoo ... Minho-hyungnim already disappear ! idk where he's gone !
Jjong : ya , Key-ah ! y did ur face like that ?
u : *who doesn't look at Key from beginning , curious n look at him n saw his face is slightly swollen*
Onew : *enter the kitchen* ya Key-ah ! ur face r really bad !
Key : *try to cover his face* err nothing ... hey i think i saw Minho-goon near the pool ...

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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