Friday 10 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #12

Taemin : near the pool ? i'll find him .
u : err can i follow u ??
Jjong : (ur name) , better if u stay with us . just let him find Minho by himself ! *protruding tongue to Taemin*
Taemin : geez .. i think Jjong hyungnim's right . (ur name)-ah , its already late at night . its bad for u ...
u : its okay ! *grab Taemin's arm* lets go ! *bring Taemin with u*
Taemin : *shock* o ?
_____________NEAR THE POOL________________
(u n Taemin finally saw Minho under a tree near the pool)
Taemin : o hyungnim-ah !
Minho : *shock n saw u n Taemin* o Taemin-ah ..
Taemin : ya ! did u just run from our cooking duty !? nahh u're such a devil >.<
Minho : *glance at u then look back at Taemin* ohh sorry .. i forgot its our turn ..
u : *felt weird when Minho glanced at u but try to pretend like nothing* err Minho .. seems like u'r tired .. let me take ur turn .. *smile*
Minho : *glace sharply* go ahead . do i care ?
u : *be startled*
Taemin : aeigoo ..... fight again ? c'mon ! let us cheer up ! no need to fight , hyungnim-ah ........
Minho : can u just shut up ? *walk away n hit Taemin's shoulder*
Taemin : *shock n speechless*
u : err ... Taemin-oppa .. i think he just tired ... just ignore it .. *try to calm Taemin*
Taemin : *look at u* i'm okay .. *smile* this is not the 1st time he acts like that .. so , lets continue our duty ! *acts like a cute child n pull u ♥ *
______________AT THE KITCHEN________________
(u n Taemin r playing flour when Onew's coming)
Onew : YAA ! i'm really hungry ! where's my chicken !????
Taemin : aeigooo hyungnim-ah ...... here u r ! (ur name) has prepared this for u before we start playing ! luckily she knows what to do before playing :D
u : keke~~ nothing ! i just feel like we should have done our duty before playing :p *starts tidying back the kitchen*
Onew : (ur name) cooks this for me ........?
Taemin : erm .... yea .... y ?
Onew : *no answer n just starts eating* wow ! this is superb !! u can be a good chef !
u : huh ? no .. i just fried the chicken ! its not difficult at all :)
Onew : *feels something but just keep quiet*

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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