Friday 10 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #13

_____________AT THE DINING TABLE______________
all (except Minho) : yeay !! let's eat !! ^^
Jjong : uwaa ... the kimchi is so tasty :D
Taemin : keke~ hyungnim-ah , the kimchi was cooked by (ur name) !
Jjong : omo ! really !? u can be a good chef !
Onew : i told u , (ur name) ! ur good in cooking !
u : *who sits between Minho n Taemin* urm .. i just cook like usual ... *blush*
Key : nahh i've to admit it .. ur cook is better than mine .. *sad*
all (except Minho) : *laughing*
Onew : ya Minho-ah ! what do u think about the food ??
Minho : i rather like to eat ramen ..
Taemin : do u have any prob with ur tongue ???
Jjong : yea i think Taemin's right ! i think ur tongue's need to be check !
u : err ... is it that bad ...?
Minho : *glance sharply before walk to the cabinet n take out a packet of ramen*
u : *disappointed*
Key : *take Minho's sit next 2 u n put his hand around u* just ignore him , (ur name) ! he don know what's mean of cooking art *winks*
u : err .. *remember the kiss incident n removes Key's hand* no i'm okay ..
Minho : *just watching u n Key secretly with moody face*
_______________AFTER FINISHED EATING______________
u : i've to be back now .. i'll make trouble if my friend knows i'm disappear ..
Jjong : yea i think so .... but its too late now .. u need to be accompany !
Taemin : let me ..........
Key : u're too young ! i think Minho's the one who should keep accompany her ...
Minho : stop talking nonsense *glance at Key*
Key : *smile , walk towards Minho n whisper ...* arrogant ....... *walk away* I'm going to sleep now .. (ur name) , make sure u're not going alone kayy ? *get into the room*
u : *feel weird* err ... i'm okay .........
Onew : let me accompany u ! lets go , (ur name) ! *going out*
u : huhh ...? err okay ..... *going out with Onew*
Minho : *mixed feelings n just walking to the room* ya Taemin-ah ! i'll sleep in ur room tonight
Taemin : huh ? u should share room with Key right ? or u guys having fight ??
Minho : *be quiet n enter Taemin's room*
Jjong : nahh then our room will be full ! ya Taemin-ah , i'll just sleep in Key's room ... uwaaaaaaaaaa ..... so sleepy .. =____________=

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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