Friday 10 February 2012

SHINee Series Imagine Part #14

____________IN THE CABLE CAR____________
u : *yawning n look at ur watch* aeigoo .... it's 4 am already X( ! i hope my friend still sleeping ...
Onew : keke~ so sorry for makes u from sleeping comfortably to cooking supper for us ... :p
u : huh ? its okay *smile* we might will never meet again so tonight will be my best memory spending a night with the men whom i adore over the years !
Onew : nahh .. how could u say this is our last meet ? *sulking*
u : huh ? err i mean , u guys r idols while i'm just a fan !
Onew : ur not our fan ! ur our friend !
u : huh ...? *eyes welling* wow Onew-oppa , i was touched !
Onew : keke~ give me ur number . i promise i'll call u n i'm willing to swear that we're gonna meet again :D
u : owhh so sweet ~ *laughing* wait , my number ? i think i gave it to u guys on our 1st met right ?
Onew : ohh .. its on Jjong's phone but Minho deleted it cause we're too noisy .. :p
u : Minho ? but he called me last night !
Onew : wth !? when ?? for what reason ???
u : err ..... he called me n asked me to go out with him .. err that's y we're here ..
Onew : ohh godd ............ *whisper* u wait for me , Minho-goon ..... *speaks with a scary voice*
_______________IN TAEMIN'S ROOM_____________
Taemin : *who sleeps facing to the right suddenly turn to the left n look at Minho*
Minho : wae ?
Taemin : hyungnim-ah , y did u so harsh to (ur name) ? *innocence face*
Minho : *bored* nothing ... *turn to other side*
Taemin : *pull back Minho's shoulder n forced the hyung to look at him* ya . u cant lie to ur dongsaeng ! its bad for teach a younger guy cheating !
Minho : aeigoo ... Taemin-ah .. i'm so sleepy right now !
Taemin : then answer my question first !
Minho : i just don really like her very much
Taemin : then y did u bring her here at this late ?
Minho : *speechless*
Taemin : hyungnim-ah ........ *get his face closer to Minho* r u fell in love ?
Minho : *shock* what the hell r u talking about !?
Taemin : uwaa ur shocked ! so i guess i'm right , RIGHT ???
Minho : *pretends yawning* HUWARGGGGHHHH ...... Taemin-ah , i really sleepy now . go to sleep now ! *hide his blushing face*
Taemin : ya ! hyungnim-ah ! its true right !?? omoooo !! i'll get a new sister !!!
Jonghyun n Key : (from other room) YAA !! TAEMIN-AH ! GO TO SLEEP !!!
Taemin : ohh okayy .... :p *sleep*
Minho : *remember the incident just now ...*

Written By:
(Edward Potter)

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