Wednesday 28 March 2012

SHINee Series #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #36

u : *quickly get out from the cafe , starts looking for Taemin n run to the deck when u see someone*
(u stops at the deck but u don't see anyone there . that area is so quiet n u can only hear the sound of waves n the wind)
u : *feel weird n curious* where is him ??? *ur shivering cause its too cold*
(suddenly u feel something soft cover ur body , u notice it is a jacket , look behind u n see Taemin)
Taemin : *with a cold voice* what r u doing here ? u should be in there with others , right ? i think the others r having fun in there .. there's nothing here so i think u better spend time with others . *walk passed u n sit on a bench -he put on earphones n close his eyes*
u : *quietly sit next to him n look at him*
Taemin : *seems like could feel ur presence next to him n suddenly open his eyes n look at u* what r u doing here ?? i told u to get in ! u might get cold !
u : ur really care abt a tomboy like me~ *pouts n then winks n smiles* i don know y but my feet doesn't wanna move away from here~ if u really want me to go away , then u have to lift me *winks n ignores him*
Taemin : *speechless , feel annoying n then decides to just ignore u*
(both of u keep quiet while Taemin keep listens to musics)
u : ya , im bored . talk with me !
Taemin : *look at u* u should've just get in
u : i don want to ! if u want me to get in , then u should've get in together !
Taemin : *look at u with fierce eyes , exhale n put off his earphones* fine ! what u want us to talk abt ? find an interesting topic or else i'll just ignore u !
u : *going excited when he starts care abt u* that's my boy ~ then , where have u gone for the whole day ??
Taemin : like Minho said ... we spend the whole day in the room
u : both of u lie ! Jonghyun said u guys had an argument this morning at the pool area ! what r u fighting for !!??? *becoming mad*
Taemin : *speechless for awhile n hesitates* err ......
u : what's with 'err ........' ? tell me what r u fighting for !??
Taemin : nothing ! trust me !
u : Taemin-ah ........ if u don't answer me honestly , we're not friends anymore n forever ! now tell me !
Taemin : YAAA !!! that's bad !?? just because i don wanna answer u ???
u : *don't answer but just open ur eyes wider to threat him*
Taemin : dae~ dae~ *suddenly talk very slow n be stutter* we .... we're ....... we're fighting for .........
u : dae ?? *doesn't hear him n get ur face closer to him to hear his words clearly*
(suddenly Taemin hold ur face to look at him n .................)

1 comment:

  1. i wish i will see you all in personal
