Monday 19 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #24

Umma n the members : *all were shocked*
Umma : huhh ?? what's going on !??? *quickly going up*
the others : *hesitate for awhile n quickly follow ur Umma*
u : *quickly wear a shirt when heard Umma's voice*
(in ur room)
Umma : what happened ??? *weird when see Taemin in ur room* y did u shout just now , my dear ?? n i thought ur going to the toilet ?? *look at Taemin*
Taemin : err ......
u : there's a bee just now ! very big one ... i think it comes from the flower park nearby ! the bee get in through the window just now .....
Umma : dae ? a bee again ?? aeigoo .......! what is (gardener's name) doing !?? i bet he must have skip his work ...!
u : uhhh ani , umma ! i don think so ! i've see (gardener's name) work really hard these days !
Umma : hmm okay then ....
the others : *look at Taemin* what r u doing here ? *smirks* ur soo malicious ...
Taemin : err ....
u : he helped me get rid of the bee !
Taemin : *look at u for awhile* d .. dae ...!
Umma : whatever .. u quickly get ready ! n who thinks ur a boy (she means the members) , pls Follow Me~ just if u realized ur all in a girl's room ! *get out from the room*
the members including Taemin : huhh ?? *shocked when heard Umma's words n blushing* gosh seriously i forgot this is a girl's room ! *quickly get out following Umma*
u : *totally blushing , quickly get ready n going down in a minute*
(u heard the members' voices once u get out from the lift)
Jonghyun : ya Taemin-ah ! i told u to stops hiccuping !
Taemin : dae~ dae~ HERK !
Key : YAA ! we told u 'hiccuping is a NO-NO' !
Taemin : dae~ dae~ .................... look ! i've stopped hiccuping !
u : *join 'em* ya , kaja ! we only have half an hr before the bus arrive at school !
Taemin : *shocked n blushed when see u*
Onew : ya , Taemin-ah ! since u've stop hiccuping , tell us what actually happened just now ! *get his face closer to Taemin*
Taemin : *remember abt the incident just now n ....* HERK ! HERK ! HERK !!
Minho : aeigoo .... more hiccuping~

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