Friday 16 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine [Lee Taemin Version]

CHAP #22
Taemin : *eat the food , stops n be quiet for awhile*
Onew : ya , (ur name)-ah ! what r u looking at ?? u better eat before ur food getting cold~
u : *shocked* o ? oo~ dae ! dae ! *quickly open the wrapper n eat*
Taemin : ya , (ur name)-ah ..
u : *shocked again* o .. oo ...?
Taemin : who cooked this food ? *still eating*
u : err .... Aunt Mary ! wae ...? is it ... weird ....? *feel scared*
Taemin : ani ..... the taste is different ... more elegance ? ermm .... i think its tastier than previous days ! *continue eating*
u : *feel relieve* ahh~ dae .. Aunt Mary attends cooking class lately ... *cheating* she said she wanna improve her cooking skill .....
Taemin : *doesn't give any respond n just keep quiet*
Jonghyun : aeigoo .... (ur name)-ah ! i wanna taste some too ! tmr bring for me too~ *winks*
Key n Onew : me too ~
u : andwae ~
Jonghyun n Key : ya wae ~!??
u : cause u guys insult my cook on previous days ~
Onew : that's YOUR cook ~ we want ur maid's cook~ *mehrong* ur not a good cooker at all *joking* HAHA !
u : YAA ! *strangling him*
Minho : ya , im not insulting ur cook .... so , can i ....?
Taemin : *cut Minho's words* andwae . only me can eat her cook ! ya (ur name)-ah ! i've done eating ^^ kansamnida ~
Minho : ya ! that's Aunt Mary's cook ! not (ur name)'s cook ! ur memory is getting worse , i think ~ *pouts*
Taemin n u : *mehrong*
Jonghyun : *smirks* is that couple expression !??
Key : woah ! at the same time ...! really same ! XD
KRINGGG !!!! -recess ended-
the members (except Taemin who keep quiet from beginning) : aeigoo ........ *get up n going back to the class leaving u n Taemin)
u : *stand up with the empty food containers n abt to follow 'em when ur realize Taemin's still waiting u* i thought ur leaving ..? *puzzled*
Taemin : *smiles n suddenly put his hand on ur cap* kansamnida . u've successfully improved ur cooking skill .. kaja ! *put his arm around u n u guys walk together to the class*
To be continue~
Written by :
(Edward Potter)

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