Friday 23 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #30


u : the ...... the thief of mmyy .... 1st kiss .......!? *remember the incident that happened just now* how did he know it is my 1st kiss !??? *shut the door*
____________2nd Day On The Ship_____________
(u'll spend a week on the ship)
Minho : *done bathing n abt to leave when see Taemin's still under the blanket* aeigooo ! this guy is so pathetic ! maybe this is my chance to fool him .... *malicious smile , get in front of the door's room n press the bell of the room*
Taemin : urghh ......... *still sleeping*
Minho : *press the bell many times n he's copying ur voice -which is magically , really same as ur voice !* ya , Taemin-ah ! it's breakfast time ! if u still don wanna open the door , i'll get in right now ! the door was unlocked !
Taemin : (ur name) .......??? wait a minute !!! *quickly get his shirt since he's sleeping with singlet n short pants only*
Minho : *still with ur voice* im opening the door~~ *open the door slowly*
Taemin : WAIT !!!!!!!!! DON'T GET IN RIGHT NOW !! im shirtless right now !! *totally blushing n panic*
Minho : woahh ....... then i must get in right now ! i really wanna see u shirtless ! *open the door wider but still hiding*
Taemin : YAA !!! dae ! dae ! i already forget abt the incident in ur room ! also the incident that happened yesterday ! pls leave me alone !!
Minho : *feel weird* what incidents ??
Taemin : fine ! i've never see u shirtless n never steal ur 1st kiss !!
Minho : *shocked* DAE !!????? *suddenly open the door n see Taemin is abt to wear a long pant*
Taemin : *see Minho n get totally shocked n mad* YAA !!! what the hell u prank me !!???
Minho : what did u say just now !!???? u said u saw (ur name)'s shirtless n steal her 1st kiss , am i right !??
Taemin : *shocked when realize that he's already speak something that he shouldn't* errrkkk .......
Minho : dae !? so it's true !??? no wonder u can't stop hiccuping in the previous day n ur gone yesterday !
Taemin : aeigooo ......... *blushed n feel guilty* it was all happened suddenly ! its all r accidents ! trust me ! n say that u won't tell the others ......??
Minho : *look at him with a sharp glance* dae , i won't ! but .....
Taemin : *feels relieve* but .....?
Minho : will u mad if i get her 2nd kiss ??? *winks with a malicious smirks*

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