Sunday 25 March 2012

SHINee Series Imagine #2 By Edward [Lee Taemin Version] Chap #32


[2ND DAY - LATE AT NIGHT - Ur Abt To Go Back To Ur Room After Having Some Walks On The Deck]
(the lights already turn off due to sleeping time except the colleen ship's room)
*u walk passed Minho n Taemin's room since ur room is just intervals three rooms from theirs -ur a bit shivering cause it is cold , plus u scared of the dark*
(once ur abt to unlocked ur room's door ... suddenly u feel something cold touch ur shoulder)
u : *get shocked n quickly look back* KYAA- ..........!
Minho : shh !! *quickly put his forefinger on ur mouth to ask u to shut up n u feel his touch is cold , totally different like when Taemin touch ur lips [::Read Back Chap #11]*
u : *remove Minho's finger from ur mouth n yell at him* YA !! ur really hate ur life huh !?? aeigoo luckily i don have any heart attack or maybe i should've already died just now !
Minho : *can't control himself from laughing* HAHAHA !!! LOL !!
u : *shocked n mad when see he's laughing at u* YAA !! u laugh at me !?? how dare u ...... *kick Minho's leg*
Minho : hahaha !! OUCH !!! (ur name)-ah ! u hurt me .....! *eyes welling*
u : serve u right !! try laugh at me again n u'll get a swell eye . try to fool me around n u'll get a pair of panda eyes !! *make an innocent wide smile*
Minho : aeigooo ........... i laugh cause i've never expect that ur actually scared of the dark ..... *quickly hold ur hand which is abt to punch him* okay ! okay ! i've stopped laughing ! look at me !
u : *try to be calm* who's scared of the dark !?? me !?? huhh OF COURSE NOPE !! don make a nonsense claim , pls ?
Minho : o ? but ur shivering !
u : its because im cold !
Minho : o ? ahh~ really ? *smirks n lift his eyebrow* dae~ dae~ let me make u feel a bit warm *winks n suddenly hug u*
u : *get shocked* ya ! palli let me go !
Minho : o wae ~!?? u said ur cold ! *then speechless when see Taemin get out from the room but doesn't see both of u*
u : *didn't realize Taemin* ya ! let me go !
Minho : *suddenly let u go n kiss u deeply*
Taemin : *heard ur voice , look at u guys n be glued*

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